This week it is two for the price of one, and three out of seven couples will be in danger, so it is real easy to be bottom threed. The six remaining couples after tomorrow will be the ones likely to go on tour, with the top ten dancers and the two understudies, so this is a critical night for all. All rightee then…
Will and Jessica do a Broadway Jive in their first number. Some interesting kicks but this choo-choo is not of the hot Tamale kind, not even of the warm kind. Begins slow, ends better but the unevenness makes it a chancy proposition. Posture was off—the train makes it only to 7.5 MPH…

Tonight, Broadway seems to be the thing, and Comfort and Thayne do another one again! West Side Story with a contemporary twist!!

A Comfort stretch, she did not do well, even considering that this is way out of her C Zone. She brings down the score for the couple and Thayne—though he showed us how well trained a dancer he is—was weighed down by her. By the way, her tattoo showing was sooo out of place! There is tattoo make-up (and dress rehearsals) for that! For not being up to the level--- 6.5 points over 10. With the second number, the Waltz, Thayne shows off his technique and Comfort once again shows her limitations. However, thanks to Thayne, she did much better. If I were hiring for a dance company, Thayne’s got the job. This was an effortless Pas, not like Will and Jessica’s. 9 at least! Total tonight: 15.5. Will they be bottom threed? I think so, although their second number may get them votes.
Kourtni and Matt’s Hip Hop: Pleaase see again Joshua and Katee’s extraordinary Hip Hop number and compare.

Kherington and Twitch do a Paso Doble called Dimitry’s cape, the Return! With drama but, honestly, not much technique by Miss K., it is an entertaining performance. She had the look, but not really the steps. Maybe it was because this was the first time in the show that she danced with shoes on (remember the shoeless waltz?). Her troubled steps make me give them an 8 for this one. Their second dance, Once upon a Mattress, the Routine started, again, with a shirtless dancer! And Miss K. is back to her shoeless ways.

Dream choreography of a dream makes Twitch and Kherington look very good. But, was he really dancing, or just striking poses? They were in character, but I am not sure that if it had not been for the amazing choreography and compelling story-telling you could say that this was excellent dancing. I am doubtful, trying to separate the dancers from the dance… but I will give them an 8.5 for a 16.5 tonight.
Joshua and Katee do Contemporary, again a good partnership. Out of breath at the end of a great number, it was as if they had slowly been moving underwater and at the end came up for air.

Courtney and Gev are hip-hoppers now! Another couple that works well together but the routine did not seem to be a great stretch of technique or dancing. No major tricks, just a safe routine for both. They may have had a 10 on their shirts, but in my book, this is an 8. In their second number, with an energetic Broadway Routine, they try to salvage their night, trying to show off a choreography that was complicated, with miming and jumping, and smiles galore. This routine, however, may not give them enough votes to keep them out of the bottom three.

On top of that, the costumes were awful and they did look kind of silly. But I will give them an 8.5for the pure Broadway feel of it: a total of 16.5 points tonight. By the way Nigel, that Frenchman in a sailor suit was Jules Munchin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v7QfCxuvLo
The bottom three will be Kourtni and Matt, Comfort and Thayne, and Courtney and Gev.
After so many times down there, this time it will be Kourtni and Matt.
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