The show starts as usual with a number that will be the last for two of the dancers… and they all look like a million bucks. Or at least $250,000. The eye is still not on the prize, all the dancers just trying to dance their best, and they do! Mia Michaels’ hand in the opening number is unmistakable, and the dancers pull it off. The mean faces and scary looks suggest that soon we can expect some cutting is going to happen, and I mean throats! And backstabbing… not! These are a bunch of really nice people that know that just being in the top twenty is a privilege, a chance in a million. They do not have to do a “Survivor” or “Apprentice” thing… they have already won. As dancers, what greater exposure and credentials than “SYTCD Top 20”? It is an awesome mark on their back! When Cat comes out she is definitely in combination with the costuming of the number. Only problem is that as soon as all the gothic clowns and babies exit stage, she is the only one left in the weird costume. By the way, shadow of things to come: Comfort is showcased doing some contemporary quite outside her range… hmm.

I got it right once again with two out of the bottom three: Chromfort and Kouratt.

America’s voters can tell what is right and what is not when it comes down to it, and they step up in the right direction. Thelsea’s Quickstep apparently missed a beat with their fans however, and they are bottom-threed also.

Quickly enough as the steps she did yesterday I am shocked—Chelsea T is out! Well, maybe not that shocked… I expected they would keep partners one more week, but as soon as she is out it is obvious to me that Chris will be out. Thanks Chelsea T and Chris: It was fun seeing you perform.
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