As the bottom three couples are called out (which I predicted correctly, I might add), we can see that the final decisions have already been made—Mary calls Thayne “The Sure Thing Dude”, Napoleon talks about how Comfort has grown over the season, Nigel says that Courtney and Gev just happen to be on the bottom three because someone had to be, and well, they are talking in past tense to Kourtni and Matt. As I expected, by the end of the show K & M see the highlights of their appearance in this season.

As a hiring decision for the SYTYCD Tour, today’s results make sense. The remaining couples have some good solid numbers already, and a variety of styles, backgrounds and ethnicity. It can be said of any of the ones remaining, but I stand by Thayne and Gev, for example who obviously can get quickly whatever is thrown at them. The decisions taken made sense, and they will make for an awesome tour. Ten dancers and two understudies: the tour is set; start buying your tickets now.
By the way: Boneless Chicken Joe (Robert Muraine) still thinks he can dance. I know he can move but he is better for a You Tube mini video. Please Nigel: Bring back some real dancers (or did you run out of mone, mone, money?)! Enough with Audition side shows! Robert should be on “America’s Got Talent” not on SYTYCD.
By the way, by the way: am I a cynic or did Nigel suggest that over the seven seasons he has produced American Idol he has had to made tough decisions on who to cut? Is he saying that in AI the voting is rigged? Isn’t AI’s elimination just based on popular vote? Maybe I just misinterpreted, right?
Special Message to Kourtni and Matt: You brought something special to the show and just because you are out tonight it does not mean you are not among the top. Paraphrasing Nigel someone had to leave tonight and the stars moved in a way not so favorable for you. As you know, this is a step forward for your career, not backwards in heels.
A couple of comments...
I noticed the undertoned comment about the top dancers varying in not only styles, but also ethnicity. And however unfortunate, it's pathetically true. Don't feed me that crud about "not growing on the show" or "someone had to be in the bottom." Kourtni is UNBELIEVABLE. End of story. You can't compare her to Comfort, you just can't. I'm sorry, but I'm a little sick of the crotch-grabbing. Comfort can't dance in heels to save her life, while Kourtni lights up EVERY TIME she's onstage.
But God forbid we keep the real TALENTED dancers on the show. We are in America, after all.
And just to prove I'm not trying to bash Hip Hop dancers or anything of the sort, I wanted to add that, you're absolutely right, it IS So You Think You Can DANCE. And I'd like to see someone else provide the talent that Robert Muraine indeed has. That's raw talent at its finest! Yes, his attitude was a little crappy in Vegas, but he had the ABILITY. He may not have professional training at Kirov and ABT like Danny (a**hole) Tidwell, but he's still a dancer. And a pretty freakin good one at that.
And last but certainly not least, I had to laugh at the question of "Does that mean the voting's rigged?" Like it's a shock. The is one of THE BIGGEST television production companies. Money really DOES make the world go 'round! Not very many people know that the hat that the contestants "draw randomly from" (while choosing their styles) actually gets taken backstage after each couple has chosen their genre. Now if every single paper in that little hat was TRULY different and the results were TRULY random, someone please explain to me why they would take the hat backstage before each drawing (and conveniently forget to tape and air it on TV.)
Don't fool yourselves, America. No "reality show" is truly REALITY.
Thanks for the comment DanniLynn. I think that we are mainly in agreement. One thing, though, I believe you're being too tough on Danny Tidwell. I don't know about him as a person, but as a dancer I belive he is awesome. Not just in the show but during the live Tour he was really amazing.
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