I did not think you could get more surrealistic than Toni Basil but well, with today’s results, I must say everybody must have been on an Absolut binge! Big surprises tonight!!! Will is not just in the bottom two but he’s out! What happened?!?! Even dialidol got it wrong, although they did have Mark safe! Which, I ‘m actually happy about because I think Mark is great and he has not been fairly treated… I must confess I’ll be looking forward to next week’s performance with lots more interest, now that I know that Mark is still in!!! But I did not expect Will to be leaving tonight. Nigel (and Mia, if she is actually watching) is bummed on this one but, regardless, now Debbie Allen can come back as jury and judge and choreographer of the last six Nigel victims. Sorry, America, but I think this was a demonstration of collective ADD: people just voted based on Wednesday night's performance (honestly, Will was not that brilliant last night and his solo was not that attractive, but they did not give him a door to lean on either….), instead of their whole work until then. Or maybe people were fed up with so much Will praising by the judges!!!
When it comes to the girls all I can say is, I hope no one else gets injured out of the competition… If I were Courtney or Chelsie, I would be taking extra care of my ankles, hips, and ribs because Comfort is just waiting around the corner… LOL. Just Kidding!
By the way, I am out of the Cassandra business. My predictions are worthless! Who do you think is off next, making that Top Four magical coven?
I do want to comment on the solos, even though the results are known (kinda like the “solos don’t count” mentality, and who's safe and who's not before everyone has been Cat callled on stage): I thought that Comfort’s solo was close to the gumby brothers and the boneless man (Robert Muraine) routines – a new variation for her? She did have better costuming than usual, and she didn’t have to pull up her pants all the time but... she did it anyway, I guess out of habit. When it came to Will, it was his lamest solo ever! He had been an original, doing a different take on contemporary all the time up to now. I guess he was taken so much by surprise by his bottom two position that he had to put his cheek down on the floor (ugh!). How is that a good dance move? What can I say about Twitch? Not much really, it was just more of the same. Frankly my dear, I don’t give a d… Finally Courtney’s solo was a lot less moving than last night’s which I think was her best so far.
I do want to comment on the solos, even though the results are known (kinda like the “solos don’t count” mentality, and who's safe and who's not before everyone has been Cat callled on stage): I thought that Comfort’s solo was close to the gumby brothers and the boneless man (Robert Muraine) routines – a new variation for her? She did have better costuming than usual, and she didn’t have to pull up her pants all the time but... she did it anyway, I guess out of habit. When it came to Will, it was his lamest solo ever! He had been an original, doing a different take on contemporary all the time up to now. I guess he was taken so much by surprise by his bottom two position that he had to put his cheek down on the floor (ugh!). How is that a good dance move? What can I say about Twitch? Not much really, it was just more of the same. Frankly my dear, I don’t give a d… Finally Courtney’s solo was a lot less moving than last night’s which I think was her best so far.

About LL Cool J, I have always liked him. He’s Cool.
It ain’t singing and it ain’t dancing, though… but Cool it is.
Ok so i was totally suprised at the bottom 2 this week ii have to say tht i def thought that it was going to be mark in the end and leaving the stage tonight but when i saw the bottom2 i knew tht it was going to be will only because twitch did wel last night and like you mention will was not up to par... it is unfortunate that we lost such a great dancer, but it is the end of the season almost and i really think that will was not stepping up rather although his solo was creative and everything, it was boring and didnt show off his ablities... and comfort and mark's piece was the best of the night... but no offense mark simply bothers me... i find him awkward... but obviously america likes him so who am i to argue? but as for predicting you guys were good in the beginning because you had to read the mind of 3 ppl rather than that of the entire american public... so it is much more difficult... and you have been pretty good with the girls but the guys alway surprise me as well... espically tonight.. but i have to say that i love twitch and i am glad that he stayed instead of will in the end tonigh... and his little breakdown was so sad... but i am happy that he was able to stay becuase he holds a placce in my heart... plus the Mercy dance was my other favorite of the night... that is definitely going on tour
Thank for leaving your insigthful comments, harnicits. I also found those two numbers to be the best of the night, Katee and Twitch's Contemporary and Mark and Comfort's Hip Hop. I like Twitch's showmanship, but I'm kind of troubled with the fact that choreographers (Mia, Mandy Moore, for example) seem to just give him what his able to do... but they don't do the same for other people... I love Mark's quirkiness, so I'm happy that he stayed.
I agree that they give Twitch what he i able to do. But on the same note he tries his best at what is given to him and he is a favorite... i seems that eventhongh he is not a perfectionist or great technition as will was america likes twitch's style and marks quirkinss as you do
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