Comfort is under pressure now, seeing that she was kicked off once already… lets see how the new couples do then. In the longest, dance packed show with 30 numbers total it is hard for me to be punchy, but I will try…
Courtney and Joshua: The show starts with a slap in the face to Joshua in an electric, monster performance. Dave Scott’s hip-hoppish/Broadway-comic routine is extremely entertaining and Courtney really shows off a side of her that she had been hiding from us before, the frizzy side! Was it the el
ectricity or the chemistry? In Mia M’s language, the number is “stinky bad!” which in Mary M’s language means that they deserve an ear exploding screammmmm!!!!!

Dr. Spankenstein’s Joshua: 9. Bridezilla Courtney: 8.5.
When Courtney and Joshua do the Rumba, it is hot!! Joshua shows a hidden side also, a technique hiding under his football player past. His brushing of the floor with his toes was very good and natural. Honestly, they were almost flawless in this number, which is even more impressive for a new couple still getting used to each other. His score for this one is 9 for a total of 18 points. Courtney was again in one of those dresses that didn’t hide that much. Her performance however was not as electric or hot as she has done before. She had some good moves and I love her personality, so she gets an 8.5 from me, for a total of 17. Her athletic contemporary solo is well executed but nothing really extraordinary, so I give her an 8.5 for it and a total of 25.5 for the night. Joshua’s solo was good. However, there are two things that make Joshua quite special, one is his personality, which shined through; the other one is his versatility and we couldn’t see that in his solo. For his solo, Joshua gets a 9 from me. His total for the night: 27.
Kherington and Mark: Ronnie and Brandi teach a Country Two Step to Mark and Kherington—a complicated dance that does not match the skills of these two dancers, especially Mark’s. Their smiles were amazing, considering the disaster that the routine was. It was tough to watch, but at least they did not stumble. Mark seemed uncomfortable, moving too slow and then almost posing. The problem, however, was Kherington, who tonight seemed to have reached the limit of her capabilities. Mark: 8, Kherington: 7. For their second number, Tyce gave this new couple a jazz routine, well executed but that almost seemed in slo-mo! With that great song—“Canned Heat” by Jamiroquai (famous for the movie “Centerstage”)—and Mark’s capabilities, you expected a lot more. To me, it was obvious that the choreography had been slowed down for Kherington to be able to do it. Mark’s timing seemed off, fast in his parts and then slow next to Kherington. He was a good partner through and through, however, and for that, I give Mark an 8.5. Kherington gets a 7 (toooo sloooow!). Makes it 16.5 and 14 (ouch!) for each. Kherington’s solo is ok, demonstrating that she is one of the top ten dancers, but not much else. It lacked the athleticism and sharp moves that we saw in some of the other solos. I’m sorry K., your smile is beautiful but your solo did not shine: 8 for it and a total of 22 for you tonight. When Mark does his solo he shows why he is where he is. Great solo, his first since the auditions, brings back his animalistic electric moves. I give him a 9 for a total of 25.5 for the night.
Comfort and Twitch: Comfort back to the Waltz, seemed to do better this time. However, she lacks the technique needed and it is hard to fake it. Twitch was a little stiffer and more mechanical than usual. It was a pretty routine, but not especially great. It looked like they were thinking it a little too much. They looked uncomfortable (pun intended). Twitch 7.5, Comfort 7.5. When it comes to their second number, it’s built up as the top of the top for Hip Hop. But, was it really? I honestly saw no originality, not many interesting moves, no buck… (sorry Lil’ C). Maybe it was Comfort’s best as Lil said, but what can I say then? Is that the best dancing they can step up to? The make up was cool though, and the costuming matched the theme of the night: gold for Cat, copper for Mary and silver for them! By the way, was Cat confused with all the mirrors in Twicth’s top and thought that this was a group number? She talked about them as girls (pointing at Comfort) and boys (pointing at Twitch)! Anyhow, 8 for both, just because they do hip hop well: 15.5 for each for the night. Super T does his one dance. I like you, Super T, but your solo wasn’t superspectacular. A super 8 for you –total: 23.5 points. Comfort repeats on her solo what we have already seen. She’s good at what she does, but we are tired of seeing the same thing over and over an
d over again. She has had the opportunity to wow us so many times, but she seems to refuse to do it. For that, she gets a 7, and a total of 22.5 tonight.

By the way: it seems that product placement for the tour has started already with the IV Real and Super – T shirts, as well as tie dye Top Ten banners. Can see them already at the Tour’s merchandise booths!
Katee and Will: They start with a boat-rocking Broadway number, but was it just me or was this Tyce D’Orio’s routine overrated by the judges? There were a couple of brilliant moves, ciseaux, and the like that showcased the dancers, but the choreography was mostly dull and seemed to me that it was a waste of talent (the dancers’ talents). Katee and Will could have done a lot more. Honestly, they didn’t rock my boat. Still, the dancers did what they were given to do and they did it well. Katee: 9 and also for Will. When it comes to their secon
d number, poor John Lennon must have tumbled and twirled in his grave with that horrible version of Imagine by David Archuleta, spinning more than Katee and Will did in their routine! Sorry, but I couldn’t totally enjoy their dancing because the song was distracting me. However Katee and Will did make this number their own, despite the horrible song. It was a traditional modern dance pas de deux through and through; a hard number and they did great… Will gets a 9.5 and Katee a 9, for her small stumble, but imagine, how hard is perfection when trying so hard! That gives them 18.5 for him and 18 for her. Katee’s solo redeems contemporary and makes it pretty! 9.5 for her on this one, gives her a total of 27.5 for the night, and when Will does his solo as a modern dance it is something to watch. Amazingly he does no floor! At some point all this writhing on the floor by these contemporary dancers gets a little old… no? 9.5 for him! Total of 28, the highest for the night!

Chelsie and Gev: They step it up with a contemporary by red Sonja. I felt bad for the Sonja routine that Matt and Kourtni did a couple of weeks ago, so poorly costumed that it put them in a bottom three position when perhaps they did not deserve it. With this number, Sonja showed us why she’s getting to the top of the choreographers food chain. To me, this was the best number of the night and I hope to see it live on the Tour! For this number I give Chelsie and Gev a 9.5 (Sonja gets the 10).
Mary scream and all!!!!

In their next number (the last one for the night), Gev and Chelsie’s Jive pull off a high energy number that ends the night in a great note! Nigel gives Mary a killer look when she mentions “Dancing With the Stars” (that competing dance show) complimenting Chelsie as a “Star” and calling Gev an “Amateur”. Did you notice? Nigel stared at Mary as if throwing little knives at her with his eyes, and for what seemed as an eternity! But I think that Gev did a commendable effort, and he seemed really into it! I don’t know… I think she gets a 9 and he an 8.5. That makes it 18.5 for her and 17.5 for him. In his solo, Gev shows his amazing skill at break dancing, but it does not make me wanna shout, (lemme hear it, wanna shout, all together wanna shout…) 8.5 – total: 26 for him. About Chelsie’s first solo: better than Heidi, but –no shoes for Latin Ballroom? It was an ok number that really did not make me want to write too much. Just an 8.5 for her on this one, and a total of 27 for the night.
To me, the best numbers of the night and the ones that I would like to see at the Tour were Chelsie and Gev’s contemporary by Sonja, and Joshua and Courtney’s Hip Hop (Spankenstein and bride). I also expect so see Katee and Will’s Rock the Boat and their Pas de Deux (with a different version of Imagine, please!!!!).
To me, the best numbers of the night and the ones that I would like to see at the Tour were Chelsie and Gev’s contemporary by Sonja, and Joshua and Courtney’s Hip Hop (Spankenstein and bride). I also expect so see Katee and Will’s Rock the Boat and their Pas de Deux (with a different version of Imagine, please!!!!).
Rankings for the night:
Will: 28
Katee: 27.5
Joshua: 27
Chelsie: 27
Gev: 26
Mark: 25.5
Courtney: 25.5
Twitch: 23.5
Comfort: 22.5
Kherington: 22
Will: 28
Katee: 27.5
Joshua: 27
Chelsie: 27
Gev: 26
Mark: 25.5
Courtney: 25.5
Twitch: 23.5
Comfort: 22.5
Kherington: 22
The results do not look favorable for Miss K or for Comfort. Will Comfort be out again? I expect it to be so, and it would be the fair thing to do, since she was just a replacement for the night. But I have been so wrong with Comfort in the past, kicking her out when they didn’t, keeping her in when they kicked her out (but then I was right after all because they kept her, didn’t they?), that I may be wrong again. Twitch is at the bottom of an excellent bunch, and I expect that he’ll be out. However, will it be Comfort or will it be Kherington? In the end, I think it will be Comfort and Twitch out. Well, who knows what the scriptwriters of this reality show have in mind... I think it will be a couple leaving, and that couple will be Comfort and Twitch.
i don't agree... I think kherington will be out, and sadly enough I think Mark is gonna go ...
You might be right about Kherington... However, I think Mark will stay. I hope so. Although, I don't know what's happening with him because he started amazingly well and for the last two weeks he seems to have "deflated."
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