Cat’s effortless super outfit tonight is of the color of royalty, and she welcomes the judges, starting with Lil’C, who gives out some imponderably, unintelligible at times, frequently enlightened wisdom. Mary, expressing her shock at Janette’s leaving, joins Nigel at encouraging people to vote for the dancer, not the choreography—that puts the burden on the dancer to stand out, to be prominent.
The guys: Sonya’s jazz routine for the trio of guys is a qualified one. Brandon stands out while Evan lacks appropriateness, with a couple of missteps and misflips. The judges are like breakfast oatmeal, all warm n’ sweet, but basically rank the guys Brandon 1, Ade 2 and Evan 3.
The rehearsal for Ade and Jeanine does not look that hot, but when they come out to perform they alter the temperature up hundreds of degrees! I am indecisive to call it a Samba; Lois Van Amstel’s choreography seemed to gravitate in a wavering space where samba, rumba, waltz and disco float around, touch and coexist. In this irresolute Samba, however, Jeanine still managed to standout; Ade not so much and that is reflected in the judges’ comments (except Mary, who neglects to mention anything about Jeanine). Lil’ C (who motivated this wordy blog tonight) regales us with his expectation of an appreciation of explosions of excellence as universes smash, but somehow he thinks that it was not down enough—I guess that means it fizzled for him (or at least that’s what I think he said).

Broadway for Melissa and Evan. My mind wonders if Melissa lies as she says how excited she is to partner with Evan. With a Broadway routine out of My Fair Lady, choreographed by Tyce, this is a number tailor-made for Evan. The costuming is

A strong enough solo performance by Ade, he shows off some of the strengths that have gotten him in this sextet (i.e., trio of doubles).
Kayla’s and Brandon’s first piece was a vast lyrical contemporary number choreographed by Tookey. Brandon stood tall adjacent to Kayla, great lifts that complemented their differences. Kayla did very well and, as Lil’C says, she held her own and showed herself off with Brandon. Definitely these are all dancers that merit and deserve to be where they are.

Hip-Hop for Ade and Jeanine - Eviction theme – NappyTabs. Not my favorite number, despite the rave reviews. A bit on the silly side, to be honest. It seemed more about the props than about the dance. Comments will get them lots of votes, but truly it was not that commendable. Oh, and within all the randomness that came out of Nigel’s mouth tonight we found out that he is (or was) in the midst of a divorce, and that his wife’s lawyer was apparently very good!

Melissa and Evan Quickstep: Another number tailor-made for Evan. Is that fair? Melissa’s dress is pretty and cute, but she seems to stumble upon the dance, her posterior sticking out a little too much too many times. Evan does well, despite his velvety jacket. Altogether, however, this and their previous number seem catered to doing everything possible to keep Evan in the show, at the cost of throwing Melissa under the bus.

van’s solo is very Broadway. Not my cup of tea, so it’s hard for me to
comment. If I were somebody who likes this style, then I would say that it was like pizza well done and strong condimenting, his best yet. But since I do not particularly care for this style I have not much more to say. I can add, however, that he was very confident, a lot more than last week, and that between this solo and his two made-to-order routines, I think that Ade is in trouble tomorrow.
Brandon and Kayla’s Disco: Amazingly shiny moving fast speed disco routine, I think even Lil’C was totally unintelligible to himself. If I understood him correctly, dark pockets are coming out someone’s ears as they see the dance through these. Mary needs to be restrained as she doth protest too much that she is not crazy, but she’s totally outdone by Nigel’s unprecedented outburst of jumping on one skilled legged joyfulness--who new what Disco could do? Kayla and Brandon will be in the finale which, I guess, leaves Melissa out and, possibly, Ade. By the way, I loved this Disco number!
Last, but not least, the Trio of Super Heroines! Buttercup Power Puff, Storm X, and Wonder Woman get together Super K, Super M and Super J, strike an Angel pose at the end of a sharp choreography by Sonja. I adored these costumes and makeup full of ATTITUDE! They all worked incredibly well together, but Lil’C wanted somehow for them to go against each other to stand out (?) and be more than amazing (?). I think I understand, Lil’ C: they should have been Astonishing! Astounding! Marvelous! Boom! Pow! Wow!!!!
My Prediction: Ade and Melissa will be out tonight. And Nigel is going to marry a cute young little thing trophy wife very soon. If I were his ex-wife’s attorney, I’ll be getting ready to help the new Mrs. with the pre-nup!

Brandon and Kayla’s Disco: Amazingly shiny moving fast speed disco routine, I think even Lil’C was totally unintelligible to himself. If I understood him correctly, dark pockets are coming out someone’s ears as they see the dance through these. Mary needs to be restrained as she doth protest too much that she is not crazy, but she’s totally outdone by Nigel’s unprecedented outburst of jumping on one skilled legged joyfulness--who new what Disco could do? Kayla and Brandon will be in the finale which, I guess, leaves Melissa out and, possibly, Ade. By the way, I loved this Disco number!
Last, but not least, the Trio of Super Heroines! Buttercup Power Puff, Storm X, and Wonder Woman get together Super K, Super M and Super J, strike an Angel pose at the end of a sharp choreography by Sonja. I adored these costumes and makeup full of ATTITUDE! They all worked incredibly well together, but Lil’C wanted somehow for them to go against each other to stand out (?) and be more than amazing (?). I think I understand, Lil’ C: they should have been Astonishing! Astounding! Marvelous! Boom! Pow! Wow!!!!
My Prediction: Ade and Melissa will be out tonight. And Nigel is going to marry a cute young little thing trophy wife very soon. If I were his ex-wife’s attorney, I’ll be getting ready to help the new Mrs. with the pre-nup!
Just wanted to let you know that you are featured in my latest video, Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuV51OsGbL4
Spoiler Sal thinks that we do not understand about Economics and what the Eviction number was all about. What nerve! Okay. So let me propose a choreography about the economy for the finale: how about having the 4 finalists do a Pop Jazz, and have them dance in a room with an old cheap couch and a duck taped fridge in the background? Oh, and have them wearing white V-necks with chest hair... How about that, Spoiler Sal?
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