By the way, Cat’s hair—is she getting tips from Nigel’s hair stylist? But let’s leave the despair of defeated dancers back in the drawer and start enjoying their final performances.
Melissa and Ade do Disco from Dorianna – Melissa has some trouble at the beginning but gets to show that she can actually shake some ballet booty. Wild and crazy lifts dominate the number and at the end she gets all the way down to the floor on an unscheduled bump that ouch! will be black and blue tomorrow. Tyce’s first time on the j-panel (really?) includes the F (frigging) word, though he is the only one that actually mentions Ade’s performance. Man, he lifted that girl! In their second number they do a contemporary ballet variation of the Waltz which, while Ron Montez does his best with, is still green at the stage. It “nearly” was good… with a little more practice it could have been beautifully done, despite what the judges said… Still, I believe this couple will be safe tomorrow. It will all depend on how many blind followers Kayla and Kupono do have.
Kayla and Kupono now are up to a Contemporary by Mia Michaels. Remember, this style was picked out of the hat by this couple! No favoritism here. Not AT ALL! Asphyxiation and kicks seem to be the drivers in this chorography. The make-up-less Kayla is not in the favored light, but still her expression comes out. Kupono mostly grabs and doesn’t let go, glaring at his partner and the audience. Not much from him except for acting, but wait is it not called SYTYCD? –not So You Think You Can Act! Kupono has a weirdness about him, as he says that he will miss Kayla’s sweat (?). The West Side number choreographed by Joey Dowling is killed a horrible death as it seems more satirical burlesque than stylized Broadway… did they think it was Gypsy Rose (off-off-off Seventh Avenue?) Nigel truly seems to ramble at first, but he finally gets to the point and tells him they did not do well. Mary and Tyce are off, I think, truly this was not good. Terrible enough however to overcome the fact that love is blind? (I mean, the love of Kaypono’s fans?) Not sure. My wild guess is that Kaypono will be safe tomorrow, although, in my opinion, they shouldn’t be.
The quick pace of the show almost makes me miss what is going on as I write. Fortunately Jason and Caitlyn’s F Trot slows things down. Not exactly a vote grabber but Nigel offers champagne for C! is she even 21? As she shows off her cigarette holder move, I check for her age… not enough to make me believe that they are truly legal. Fortunately they have a second chance, with Mandy Moore choreographing them in their second number, a contemporary piece that definitely makes me think that it sooo unjustifiable that Jason will be kicked off before Kupono. The scripted “no chemistry” remarks by the jidges seemed to be so out of place and simply out there in order to influence the jury pool. These two will be bottom-threed, no matter what they did. I really liked this number, though.
Nelzine and Babenko (am I correct? Are these the Russian choreographers’ names?) trill a “famous” children’s tune. Famous perhaps within a few blocks of Moscow! When we see this Russian Folk Dance… well, Bollywood it ain’t! Phillip does a difficult twirling floor move, but reaaally do the producers

Randi apparently was shaking and showing her booty too much to Evan under Mia’s guidance, so Nappytabs come to the conclusion that she must have gotten pregnant! Good choreography, but a bit too much N/T formula! We’ve seen the moves before, they are good and the dancers execute them well. Not exactly urban, as Nigel says, but satisfactory—not quite movin’. Randi was the better of the two. Pasha and Anya (Seasons 3) try to teach a Samba to them and, while seeing it, I really would have liked seeing Pasha and Anya do this one instead! Evandi got the

Brandon and Jeannette’s Tango! I am so glad that Mia is not judging tonight because when she were to say tomorrow that ANY OTHER NUMBER was the best of the night my head would have spinned so bad that the sprain would have stayed for weeks! The strength of B

My prediction for tomorrow is bottom three: Evandi, Caison and… Melade… Out: Evan and Caitlin.
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