In a chorus line of pure white top hats the top eight of America’s favorite dancers show us what the anguish of corps dancers on Broadway is all about: a smile to the audience and a smashed mirror behind, reflecting back to them the broken dreams after all their hard work. Kudos for Mia’s choreography!
The 100 shows’ clips show us the impact of dance: the fun, the drama, the tears, the spills… and Mary’s screams! As Nigel says: it is great that they have had 100 shows, and that the show has just gotten a greater and greater audience—to the extent that they will have a season 6, almost just as this one ends. That means something, doesn’t it? A great portion of America has embraced dance in its entertaining form and in its athletic demands. A portion of America that would have never been exposed to dance in all these forms if it weren't for this show. So, let's give them the credit that they deserve! Kudos! This show, along with “Dancing with the Stars,” has brought back a sprightly step to America, a quick step that had been lost when the likes of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire moved on—please check out some of their great dances on You Tube or the occasional movie on AMC!
Cat, in inquisitive mode, goes down the judges table, reflecting on the shows past. Mia feels like a “Mamma” after all these years, as she talks about her dancing brood. Get credit for the 100th show!
When the felinized Cat gets down to business, I am wrong again! Melissa is safe! What does this mean for Kayla? Bottom two! Je

The Emmy winning Wade Robson choreography of the Humming Bird and the Flower by Jamie and Hok enthralls us once again, as we wait for the boys to come out (although I think Brandon already did). Cat comes on to the guys and starts with Ade and Jason, to let us know that Jason is on the bottom two. Brandon is too! That is the problem of being the “favorite” voters free ride, thinking that someone else will vote for the one they like, after all it is “obvious” that if he is so good, many people will vote for him—Not! If you do not vote, your choice loses!
Travis and Heidi make it on a bench, once again, showing us a great Emmy winning piece. It seems that Heidi danced a little more than I remembered…don’t you think? but the camera focuses so much on Travis anyway that, Heidi is overshadowed. Travis was amazing!
And then we saw Ramalama once again, and it was really enjoyable. Loved to see Wade dancing with them!
Katie Holmes thinks she can dance and sing, but she does not quite get that lip-synch thing… Ashlee Simpson could have done better… and her dancing, cannot fool anybody... especially this audience! No way. She may like singing and dancing, but Ellen likes dancing too and we’re glad that she did not actually take the stage (by the way, where was she tonight? I was expecting to see her @judges-table tonight). KH's was an OK number, entertaining and brave on her part, but... a dancer she ain't!!! She deserves Kudos for what she’s doing with her foundation, but as homage to Judy Garland this was odd. Judy Garland would have being better served w

But back to the show… I am surprised and disappointed by Janette leaving us tonight. Don’t get me wrong, Kayla is an entrancing dancer, but in terms of all around-ness, personality and that I-don’t-know-what, I thought Jeanette was a better bet for staying with us tonight.

Odd show. Inspirational first, with the memories and video showcase; odd with the KH’s participation; sad for those who left; and... MIA*: Ellen (?).
*MIA= We mean Missing in Action…nothing to do with Mia Michaels...
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