Ashton Kutcher's new partner? Jeanine Mason, 'So You Think You Can Dance' winner.
Tuesday, August 11th 2009, 10:59 AM
Ashton Kutcher on "Dancing with the Stars?"
The A-lister, currently promoting his movie "Spread," probably won't be putting on his ballroom shoes anytime soon.
But if he ever decides to pursue a dance career, his partnering skills aren't too shabby. On "Live with Regis and Kelly" on Monday, the actor gamely took "So You Think You Can Dance" winner Jeanine Mason on a spin. Here's the video:
After performing the solo that helped her twirl her way to victory last Thursday, the 18-year-old Florida native straddled Kutcher's neck, and he stood up to his full height with the young dancer on his shoulders, legs shooting out past his face.
Mr. Demi Moore then pretended to fall to the ground, resulting a tangle of his head with Mason’s bare legs as they rolled around on the floor together.
The Twitter-prone actor later Tweeted to his followers, "So much fun on Regis and Kelly. What a blast I'll comeback anytime."
We wonder if Demi, who arrived with him for his appearance on the show, feels the same.
Moments before their duet, Kutcher grilled Mason about the steamy kiss she shared with fellow contestant Jason on the hit reality show.
Mason first made it clear that the two "are very good friends, and that's it, though. So we'll clear that up right now."
But Travis Wall, who choreographed the romantic routine that ended in the steamy liplock, had told the dancers to make it real, and maybe they got a little carried away.
"You should know this Ashton, being an actor, things happen," Mason teased him.
"It looked real to me," Kutcher said.
So less than a week after her win, Mason is chumming around with a major star and maybe even jumpstarting her second career (or will it be her first?): acting.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Terpsichore Cat, beautiful as usual, leads us through clips of the season, not without letting us know first that the prize will be $250K and the title “America’s Favorite Dancer” in front of 3,500 people in the theater (good host this gal, she is).
At the jidges table we find the designated upper tier choreographers and judges Lil’ C’, Mia Michaels, Tyce Diorio, Debbie Allen, Adam Shankman, Mary Murphy and Nigel Lythgoe. The audience includes all the others, in strategic spots, ready to raise their hand and smile when called upon. Cat starts going down the jidges’ table in search of replays for the favorites. First we get Adam’s top number, “Mad” with Phillip and Jeanine (one of my own tops), then Nigel claims the Tango by Brandon and Jeanette (I must say also a favorite of mine, but I did not place it in my links). Miss Allen goes all romantic with Vitolio and Asuka’s waltz, not in my list, and Mary screams out that her favorite is Travis’ heart on a chain routine by Jeanine and Jason which they perform beautifully and—they kiss again! Cat calls on Mia’s favorite and Mia claims her favorite is another Louis Van Amstel choreography, a samba with Kayla and Maks, a boring long routine which I did not like then and I don’t like now.

We get to see in a break of the action the winner of Australia’s SYTYCD, Talia Fowler, who is amazing, has the most beautiful feet and extensions, as well as technique.
Lil’ C’s scripted bucc favorite is Caitlin and Jason’s Jai Ho! That first show’s outstanding number, crowd pleasing Bollywood in Hollywood! (and Jason gets kissed once again! What is it with this boy?).
In the first report of results, Cat delivers the news to Kayla. Logic prevails and this telegraphs good news for Jeanine (I think). Kayla is a beautiful dancer. Her long legs will become a long memory that can make us forget a bit of her shortcoming in technique issues. But definitely there were better dancers in the show, and apparently at least one that was more popular, despite his own, greater, shortcomings.
Adam is required to request another routine and he calls for the butt dance! That was a good dance by Randi and Evan, one of my listed favorites (see link to the side) and probably the only number that Evan performed that could not have been better danced by anyone else. Another Louis Van Amstel number gets selected, this time by Mary, and with good reason—Jeanine and Brandon’s Paso Doble from last night, a matrix revolution all and into itself. Love this one!!!!

The joy of Jeanine as Cat announces her as the winner is contagious. I am happy with her win, just as I would have been with Brandon. She is a talented and smart girl that carefully played the game and strategically positioned herself to get where she got. Yay Jeanine! You are a great role model! Hope this win leads to many more accomplishments in your future. The best won this time around on SYTYCD.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Is it a Disco Ball? Is it a Golden Statuette? Is it $$$$$$$? Tonight, the final 4 battle it out in SYTYCD Season 5 and I don't even know the prize!

Hollywood’s Kodak Theater, home to the Oscars, has more than 3,000 people plus four cool dancers tonight, and they are called out by Cat, cavorting, tumbling and smiling to a cheering crowd. I do not quite understand what Cat’s wearing, but well I’ll just have to look at it some more. Adam (as I posted in my spoilers) is back, and he quickly implies that he expected Brandon (obviously) and Kayla (former assistant to Brian Friedman and Tyce Diorio at several conventions) to get this far, but not Evan and Jeanine, clear crowd pleasers and vote getters with their winning ways.

Jeanine kicking Evan’s butt! I have to agree with Mia’s way of saying things sometimes: That number was sick! Actually, to be precise, I must say that Sonya is sick! IT WAS GREAT CHOREOGRAPHY! Too bad that the dancing lacked energy. Jeanine was the better of the two, literally carrying Evan’s weight. Oh, how much I would have like to see this number danced by Jeanine and Brandon instead! Part of the problem was, as Nigel does point out, that the stage is big. So far, the dancers have not been as big as the stage that they are on now. We’ll see as the night plays out what happens.
(Ok, maybe Cat’s outfit is a fancy pajama top with a matching mini…)
So, Brandon’s solo is strong, athletic and dynamic but, a bit all over the place! One trick to the next, a move here, a move there. A bit more cohesiveness and choreography would have been welcome. His surfer dude board costume also, well… can’t quite imagine him in that crowd.
Tyce’s choreography for Brandon and Kayla allows Brandon to showcase Kayla: He is such a good partner! Kayla dances awesome with him! This is the last number from All That Jazz where the choreographer/dancer dies (see the movie, it is great!). They do fill the stage with this dance, as Nigel says, but I just have to imagine the difference between a great partner and two great dancers! Seeing Brandon here with Kayla doing D’Orio’s cookie makes me just wonder the missed possibilities of that Wonder Sonya’s choreography with Brandon and Jeanine instead of Brandon and Kayla. That would have been such a sick sickening number! No question about it, but I guess we will see how those pairings do in a few minutes. By the way, Nigel, if you like those legs over your attacked heart, why don’t you put a ring on it!

Evan and Brandon’s number by Laurieann has aggressive moves and tries to be nasty, d

Mia choreographs a contemporary piece for Jeanine and Kayla that is as close to a strip tease as you can get on a show like this. Nigel is, of course, excited, but Adam defines it as, well, the world’s biggest wardrobe malfunction. I do not quite understand where Mia was coming from, first moving the dancers like chickens shedding feathers and then ending in an emotional heart grabbing gesture. Perhaps one day I will not have mixed feelings about Mia’s choreographies, but this was not the day. Let us hope that strip teasing does not become a permanent fixture of SYTYCD (though perhaps Nigel will try hard to do so) as randomly as Bollywood and Russian Folk Dance have become a permanent “style” (oh, and since we’re at it, how about cheerleading also becoming one of the “classics” for contestants to draw out of the hat?). All I can say is that Jeanine was smoother in her moves and jumps than Kayla, and, again, seemingly more self assured.

OK, at this point, I am forced to, but do not want to comment on the Evan/Kayla Jive routine. Was it comedy? I truly did not like this number, which did (as Adam said) not seem to be a Show Finale kind of routine. But the dancing! Kayla seems genetically incapable of turning out, which makes her be in the wrong spot for each next move, making her lose smoothness; Evan’s kicks were sadly unenergetic… maybe he was tired?… Kayla was lucky however, because Evan was not up to par and she over-danced him. Brandon helped her with her partnering; Evan, because he was dim next to her. She has a chance with the voting public! When she does her solo, next, it shows her technique deficiencies once again. She has charm, but her technique falters. Ok, so she has long legs (and long feet)…
Then comes the final competition number of the night, a Paso (Louis Van Amstel’s) with Brandon and Jeanine. Expectations fulfilled, this is the best number of the night!!!!! This Paso a la The Matrix was really, rreeally, rreeaaalllyyyy gooooood!!!!! Ok, so maybe these guys are my favorites, but it made Nigel scream a la Mary! Nigel talks about how in the Paso Brandon does what he wants with that woman and he wants to do it too! That was really creepy, Nigel. Maybe you really should put a ring on it!
With the dancing done, Cat (in that outfit that I can’t decide how to describe) puts the judges on the spot, and the two ladies in the panel cannot bring themselves to fess up as to who they like best. Nigel says that he thinks that the winner will be either Jeanine or Brandon (if logic prevailed, no shocker here)—which will probably make Evan’s and Kayla’s fans twitch hard tonight! It is up for grabs. My favorite—you know it—is Jeanine, but all I can say now is that it is time to let my fingers do the talking.
All That Jazz - Bye Bye Life
Gene Kelly's Singing in the Rain
More Gene Kelly
Usher Tribute to Gene Kelly's Singin' in the Rain
Thursday, July 30, 2009
SYTYCD Thursday July 30, 2009: Super Night Tonight – Now it’s the Fantastic Four!

Down to business, Cat gets the girls in an evicted honeymoon disco ball tension and—Jeanine goes to the final! Worthy savage and formidable and fittest dedicated, hungriest appetite, epitome of it all, I believe that this is the ticket to the top for her.
The Emmy nominated routine danced by Will and Jessica enthralls us once again with its hypnotic seductive moves, as a silence falls across our room and all eyes stare at the image on the screen. Perhaps shocking? Definitely mesmerizing.
Ade with his symbol pick and Evan with his signature tie remain standing, as Brandon is sent to the safe side just before that Door gets between Twitch and Katee, in a modified version of that original Emmy nominated routine (Was it modified, or was it not rehearsed? Hard to tell). When we return from the break, we see Chelsie with season 4 winner Joshua do the Tango that spun her legs all over the place, quickly followed by Jabbawockeez, the winners of America’s Best Dance Crew. Their number is, what can I say, very together? But I find it unemotional, detached, just as the stare of the blank masks they use as props. Well executed cold fish dancing, lacking empathy and emotional connection. Not like the Bleeding Love number that comes next! That Mark and Chelsie number really deserves the Emmy that its going to win. Simple and perfect, it has a great connection and chemistry, no need for props (perhaps except a briefcase). This time the choreography does not seemed changed, as the other featured ones had. And I know Mark and Chelsie have been rehearsing like crazy! Well done!
As if the pace of the show is not jam-packed already, Sean Paul comes out with a raucous hip hop song, and jumping and hopping girls background dancing (well, calling that dancing is giving it more credit than it deserves). As a fill-in, this number seemed too much stuffing for the show, especially those dancers! Talk about filler, pu-lleezz! A terrible group that looked as if it had just been recruited from yesterday's want ads.
Finally, jidgement moment—and Kayla is safe (as predicted). And then… Evan! Once again as predicted in our blog yesterday.
The results tonight make me give my early final prediction: Jeanine will take home the prize!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
SYTYCD Top 3 Couples: The semifinals. July 29, 2009

Cat’s effortless super outfit tonight is of the color of royalty, and she welcomes the judges, starting with Lil’C, who gives out some imponderably, unintelligible at times, frequently enlightened wisdom. Mary, expressing her shock at Janette’s leaving, joins Nigel at encouraging people to vote for the dancer, not the choreography—that puts the burden on the dancer to stand out, to be prominent.
The guys: Sonya’s jazz routine for the trio of guys is a qualified one. Brandon stands out while Evan lacks appropriateness, with a couple of missteps and misflips. The judges are like breakfast oatmeal, all warm n’ sweet, but basically rank the guys Brandon 1, Ade 2 and Evan 3.
The rehearsal for Ade and Jeanine does not look that hot, but when they come out to perform they alter the temperature up hundreds of degrees! I am indecisive to call it a Samba; Lois Van Amstel’s choreography seemed to gravitate in a wavering space where samba, rumba, waltz and disco float around, touch and coexist. In this irresolute Samba, however, Jeanine still managed to standout; Ade not so much and that is reflected in the judges’ comments (except Mary, who neglects to mention anything about Jeanine). Lil’ C (who motivated this wordy blog tonight) regales us with his expectation of an appreciation of explosions of excellence as universes smash, but somehow he thinks that it was not down enough—I guess that means it fizzled for him (or at least that’s what I think he said).

Broadway for Melissa and Evan. My mind wonders if Melissa lies as she says how excited she is to partner with Evan. With a Broadway routine out of My Fair Lady, choreographed by Tyce, this is a number tailor-made for Evan. The costuming is

A strong enough solo performance by Ade, he shows off some of the strengths that have gotten him in this sextet (i.e., trio of doubles).
Kayla’s and Brandon’s first piece was a vast lyrical contemporary number choreographed by Tookey. Brandon stood tall adjacent to Kayla, great lifts that complemented their differences. Kayla did very well and, as Lil’C says, she held her own and showed herself off with Brandon. Definitely these are all dancers that merit and deserve to be where they are.

Hip-Hop for Ade and Jeanine - Eviction theme – NappyTabs. Not my favorite number, despite the rave reviews. A bit on the silly side, to be honest. It seemed more about the props than about the dance. Comments will get them lots of votes, but truly it was not that commendable. Oh, and within all the randomness that came out of Nigel’s mouth tonight we found out that he is (or was) in the midst of a divorce, and that his wife’s lawyer was apparently very good!

Melissa and Evan Quickstep: Another number tailor-made for Evan. Is that fair? Melissa’s dress is pretty and cute, but she seems to stumble upon the dance, her posterior sticking out a little too much too many times. Evan does well, despite his velvety jacket. Altogether, however, this and their previous number seem catered to doing everything possible to keep Evan in the show, at the cost of throwing Melissa under the bus.

van’s solo is very Broadway. Not my cup of tea, so it’s hard for me to
comment. If I were somebody who likes this style, then I would say that it was like pizza well done and strong condimenting, his best yet. But since I do not particularly care for this style I have not much more to say. I can add, however, that he was very confident, a lot more than last week, and that between this solo and his two made-to-order routines, I think that Ade is in trouble tomorrow.
Brandon and Kayla’s Disco: Amazingly shiny moving fast speed disco routine, I think even Lil’C was totally unintelligible to himself. If I understood him correctly, dark pockets are coming out someone’s ears as they see the dance through these. Mary needs to be restrained as she doth protest too much that she is not crazy, but she’s totally outdone by Nigel’s unprecedented outburst of jumping on one skilled legged joyfulness--who new what Disco could do? Kayla and Brandon will be in the finale which, I guess, leaves Melissa out and, possibly, Ade. By the way, I loved this Disco number!
Last, but not least, the Trio of Super Heroines! Buttercup Power Puff, Storm X, and Wonder Woman get together Super K, Super M and Super J, strike an Angel pose at the end of a sharp choreography by Sonja. I adored these costumes and makeup full of ATTITUDE! They all worked incredibly well together, but Lil’C wanted somehow for them to go against each other to stand out (?) and be more than amazing (?). I think I understand, Lil’ C: they should have been Astonishing! Astounding! Marvelous! Boom! Pow! Wow!!!!
My Prediction: Ade and Melissa will be out tonight. And Nigel is going to marry a cute young little thing trophy wife very soon. If I were his ex-wife’s attorney, I’ll be getting ready to help the new Mrs. with the pre-nup!

Brandon and Kayla’s Disco: Amazingly shiny moving fast speed disco routine, I think even Lil’C was totally unintelligible to himself. If I understood him correctly, dark pockets are coming out someone’s ears as they see the dance through these. Mary needs to be restrained as she doth protest too much that she is not crazy, but she’s totally outdone by Nigel’s unprecedented outburst of jumping on one skilled legged joyfulness--who new what Disco could do? Kayla and Brandon will be in the finale which, I guess, leaves Melissa out and, possibly, Ade. By the way, I loved this Disco number!
Last, but not least, the Trio of Super Heroines! Buttercup Power Puff, Storm X, and Wonder Woman get together Super K, Super M and Super J, strike an Angel pose at the end of a sharp choreography by Sonja. I adored these costumes and makeup full of ATTITUDE! They all worked incredibly well together, but Lil’C wanted somehow for them to go against each other to stand out (?) and be more than amazing (?). I think I understand, Lil’ C: they should have been Astonishing! Astounding! Marvelous! Boom! Pow! Wow!!!!
My Prediction: Ade and Melissa will be out tonight. And Nigel is going to marry a cute young little thing trophy wife very soon. If I were his ex-wife’s attorney, I’ll be getting ready to help the new Mrs. with the pre-nup!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
SYTYCD Results Show July 23, 2009: Judgment Night Once Again, and 100 shows to boot!

In a chorus line of pure white top hats the top eight of America’s favorite dancers show us what the anguish of corps dancers on Broadway is all about: a smile to the audience and a smashed mirror behind, reflecting back to them the broken dreams after all their hard work. Kudos for Mia’s choreography!
The 100 shows’ clips show us the impact of dance: the fun, the drama, the tears, the spills… and Mary’s screams! As Nigel says: it is great that they have had 100 shows, and that the show has just gotten a greater and greater audience—to the extent that they will have a season 6, almost just as this one ends. That means something, doesn’t it? A great portion of America has embraced dance in its entertaining form and in its athletic demands. A portion of America that would have never been exposed to dance in all these forms if it weren't for this show. So, let's give them the credit that they deserve! Kudos! This show, along with “Dancing with the Stars,” has brought back a sprightly step to America, a quick step that had been lost when the likes of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire moved on—please check out some of their great dances on You Tube or the occasional movie on AMC!
Cat, in inquisitive mode, goes down the judges table, reflecting on the shows past. Mia feels like a “Mamma” after all these years, as she talks about her dancing brood. Get credit for the 100th show!
When the felinized Cat gets down to business, I am wrong again! Melissa is safe! What does this mean for Kayla? Bottom two! Je

The Emmy winning Wade Robson choreography of the Humming Bird and the Flower by Jamie and Hok enthralls us once again, as we wait for the boys to come out (although I think Brandon already did). Cat comes on to the guys and starts with Ade and Jason, to let us know that Jason is on the bottom two. Brandon is too! That is the problem of being the “favorite” voters free ride, thinking that someone else will vote for the one they like, after all it is “obvious” that if he is so good, many people will vote for him—Not! If you do not vote, your choice loses!
Travis and Heidi make it on a bench, once again, showing us a great Emmy winning piece. It seems that Heidi danced a little more than I remembered…don’t you think? but the camera focuses so much on Travis anyway that, Heidi is overshadowed. Travis was amazing!
And then we saw Ramalama once again, and it was really enjoyable. Loved to see Wade dancing with them!
Katie Holmes thinks she can dance and sing, but she does not quite get that lip-synch thing… Ashlee Simpson could have done better… and her dancing, cannot fool anybody... especially this audience! No way. She may like singing and dancing, but Ellen likes dancing too and we’re glad that she did not actually take the stage (by the way, where was she tonight? I was expecting to see her @judges-table tonight). KH's was an OK number, entertaining and brave on her part, but... a dancer she ain't!!! She deserves Kudos for what she’s doing with her foundation, but as homage to Judy Garland this was odd. Judy Garland would have being better served w

But back to the show… I am surprised and disappointed by Janette leaving us tonight. Don’t get me wrong, Kayla is an entrancing dancer, but in terms of all around-ness, personality and that I-don’t-know-what, I thought Jeanette was a better bet for staying with us tonight.

Odd show. Inspirational first, with the memories and video showcase; odd with the KH’s participation; sad for those who left; and... MIA*: Ellen (?).
*MIA= We mean Missing in Action…nothing to do with Mia Michaels...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
SYTYCD July 22, The Top 8: On Crying, Screaming, Joking and Nailing it was all that’s good and bad about So You Think You Can Dance

Travis’ group number opens the dancing on the show and it rocks and rides, no question about it. He's a great choreographer! The camera work, however, is terrible as it unsuccessfully tries to see all the dancers doing their own thing, just not showing it. Ellen’s costume design is right on the spot, as Nigel says, very Lady Gaga. Let’s just hope that she really will light up the stage tomorrow—in combination with Mia! (for all those out there that are wondering if I’m that gullible… I know she was joking… but how much I wish it were true and Mia and Ellen will actually coordinate their outfits tomorrow!)
The tour is announced! October 22nd in Miami, tickets on sale this Saturday!
The Random Couplings:
First up are Evan and Janette, in a Jazz routine by Sonya that seems a little on the slow side (it lacked Attitude?). At some point, Nigel (that English muffin) gets inspired by the dance and covers Mary’s mouth as she rambles on in her usual shrill. Mia calls Janette her favorite dancer of the season. This is not a number that is inspirational, however. In their second number of the night (Rumba by Tony & Melanie) the inner Latino stallion of Evando (Cat’s nickname creation was a really good one!) does not really come out. A dark stage does not let us see for real what is going on, as the slow sensual rumba is danced with gusto and sparkle by Janette, but Evando… the low lights may favor his style because he is hidden in the shadows, but... He does not shine as a partner, and that has been a constant throughout the show. It seems to me that he has done more solos than partnering (the latter mostly with his brother, maybe). There was a bit of rustiness when he danced with Janette, what can I say? Mia apparently agrees, and thinks that Evando is no sex-pot (!!), but can still pull it off Zoolander style! I guess they had better seats than me on this one.
Next in the lineup, Brandon randomly chooses Jeanine (the choices this week do seem random, by the way). This should be a good combination, and they start off with a smooth waltz. The graceful lines required by this dance are hard for Jeanine to master, however, as her contemporary moves are rougher than those required by this slow, delicate dance—even her turnout was off. Brandon was a strong partner, holding up the number for the both of them and keeping it from being terrible. The judges kind of disagree and agree at he same time, but mostly I would say it was 3 to 1 that the number was not well executed. Their second number is a Pop Jazz (?) routine choreographed by Laurieann. An aggressive looking performance, this is a strong dance that wakes up Nigel with effusive praise for both. Ellen calls it da-a-a-a-ancing and Mary screams her head off. Mia, just as Nigel, says that it was great how Jeanine kept up with Brandon’s powerful dancing. All in all, in this pairing Brandon seems to have overshadowed Jeanine.
Melissa and Ade are reunited with a Cha Cha, but will Mary choo choo them? I guess not… Melissa dances Latin like a gringa ballerina, and the chemistry lacks altogether, as Ade is not much of a Latin dancer either. Ellen, however, recycles the carpenter nail joke (she was funny and I like her but she kind of recycled two jokes the whole night: the “carpenter” joke and the “I can do that” joke). Mia’s vocabulary is also lacking when she describes Ade, saying that he does that ehhnn (or something like that) that gets her unnhhd (or something like that). Melissa and Ade's second piece is a moving homage dance that Tyce builds around the idea of the suffering of a woman afflicted by breast cancer that truly brings out the emotion from every judge. The look of frailty by Melissa and the strong support by Ade gave this poignant dance a completeness that deserves the positive comments, and justifies the “it’s not about the dance steps, but about the message in the dance” that was clumsily tried to be explained at first. The twitter crowd still is not happy with Melissa, but well, it is really hard to force those that would rather be blind to see what is in front of them. Despite the judge’s comments, Melissa is probably in danger tonight.
Jason and Kayla’s first number was perfect Broadway, perhaps a little too much. It shows off Kayla, better than Jason, and it is a very classically put together piece. A couple of stumbles by both (Kayla seems to be struggling in dance shoes) but still, Mary brings out a conductor whistle and shows us that she really can’t blow, even with all that wind she carries around. Actually, let’s hope she uses this whistle a bit more because it is actually quieter than her own screams! Mia’s remarks to Jason regarding his open chest are right on the mark. He needs to open up in order to dance better. He tends to slouch causing his jumps to fall short and his lines to look sloppy. Jason and Kayla’s second number is a hip hop routine by Shane Sparks which is, perhaps, scary in more than one way. Well executed, an interesting choreography that I thought would end with an off-camera loud Vincent Price creepy laugh. I am not convinced though about what Nigel said: that all hip hop so far this season has been lame. Is he suggesting that NappiTabs needs to get their act together? Is there some hidden agenda here? Or was he talking specifically about Shane’s own previous work this season (there, I’ll agree). The dance was OK and fun, but I don’t know if it deserved such high praise and that underhanded putdown of prior works in the show.
We have to recognize that sometimes some people are more honest than they should be, Mia agrees with many of Ellen’s comments, despite the fact that Ellen tries hard to convince us that she does not know what she is talking about. Who should we be listening to, Ellen or Mia? And what sort of chemistry is developing here?
The Quickie Solos:
Kayla shows us once again her long and graceful dance moves—she has her solo routine down pat and plays it safe.
Jason’s solo is ok, and that is all I have to say.
Janette’s solo is different this time, more contemporary lyrical than Latin salsa, but she does do that “Miami Wiggle” at the end. However, that dress! It hid her from us most of the time and it kind of reminded me of a big Piñata.
Ade’s solo is electrifyingly and weirdly springy. He seems to have eaten rubber bands all wound up and then released them in short bursts as he bounced around the stage. Pretty impressive, but perhaps weird, as it was almost more of a gymnastics floor routine than a true dance.
Melissa’s solo seems a bit uninspired, not really moving, showing flexibility mostly—but we know she has that anyway, right?
Evan’s solo is well executed, even entertaining, but totally Broadway—which is good, yet probably not so much regarding votes in this show. By now, Evan seems to be preparing his audition pieces for his Broadway career, as tonight could be his last night performing for votes on the show.
With some moves that we had seen before and some new ones, Jeanine’s solo does in fact look like a dance, as opposed to some of the other semi-warm-up pieces from the other dancers.
Brandon’s solo, shirtless and athletic, showcases him as the strong dancer that he is. It is complete and good to watch. He’s so good that sometimes you miss him (as in the Waltz) because he’s flawless.
Kayla shows us once again her long and graceful dance moves—she has her solo routine down pat and plays it safe.
Jason’s solo is ok, and that is all I have to say.
Janette’s solo is different this time, more contemporary lyrical than Latin salsa, but she does do that “Miami Wiggle” at the end. However, that dress! It hid her from us most of the time and it kind of reminded me of a big Piñata.
Ade’s solo is electrifyingly and weirdly springy. He seems to have eaten rubber bands all wound up and then released them in short bursts as he bounced around the stage. Pretty impressive, but perhaps weird, as it was almost more of a gymnastics floor routine than a true dance.
Melissa’s solo seems a bit uninspired, not really moving, showing flexibility mostly—but we know she has that anyway, right?
Evan’s solo is well executed, even entertaining, but totally Broadway—which is good, yet probably not so much regarding votes in this show. By now, Evan seems to be preparing his audition pieces for his Broadway career, as tonight could be his last night performing for votes on the show.
With some moves that we had seen before and some new ones, Jeanine’s solo does in fact look like a dance, as opposed to some of the other semi-warm-up pieces from the other dancers.
Brandon’s solo, shirtless and athletic, showcases him as the strong dancer that he is. It is complete and good to watch. He’s so good that sometimes you miss him (as in the Waltz) because he’s flawless.
My predictions: If I can still attempt to guess anything in this show, I’ll say Melissa and Evan will leave tonight, but I’ve been so wrong so far!
Tonight is SYTYCD 100th Episode and there's a lot going on, including Katie Holmes so much talked about tap dancing. Should be a good show. And Ellen of course will be back in the panel. Will she recycle the same jokes again, or will she come up with some new material? Stay tuned.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
SYTYCD Elimination Day 7/16/09: And Then There Were 5, 6, 7, Eight!
Cat seems to be wearing a design inspired by a cobalt blue enameled ashtray present for mother’s day, though smokin’ hot its NOT. At least it shows off her legs…
Wade Robson’s oriental rice paddy peasants come out with a pulsating White Black and Red girl rhythm. A good group number, by Wade assisted by Travis, opens the show on a dramatic note, promising surprises. The first one of the night is that, from now on, Nigel is DR. NIGEL, honorary doctorate of the arts from a University all the way back in England. Then we are pleasantly surprised as SYTCD Emmy nominees are announced, including our favorites: Bleeding Love, The Door, that Tango number with Jason and Chelsie, and that Adam/Eve number. Then comes the Cat, with her dreaded envelopes to tell us about the girls:
Janette hypnosis carries on, with her zombie moves and swaying hips making people pick up the phone for her.
Randi gets to sit on the stool of danger, as she is one of the bottom two.
Jeanine performance muted Mary, but not America’s phones as they rang for her and she is safe!
With Kayla and Melissa standing at the end, the blue enameled Cat quasi-surprises us when she says that Melissa will sit next to Randi. As I think about it that hippie number was not that cool, after all. It could be that when I said last night that this was a killer routine, I was not SOO far off. We’ll see in just a few minutes—after the break!
And now for the boys:
Jason is glad that Mary is not allowed to pinch his cheeks, butt America apparently wants to do so too! (despite the golden shoes… and why are Jason and Ade wearing the same shoes?)
Evan (contrary to my expectations) is safe, while Kupono is not (I expected Kupono to be safe based on my tween-teen radar, not on dancing abilities; I was trusting more what the tween-teen Twittersphere was telling me than my own lying eyes). Based on the same, I expect that Ade will be safe (which means that Brandon is not). But surprises are in store tonight! Brandon IS safe (which probably means that so will Melissa be)! The golden shoes did not do it for Ade. Seriously folks, between Ade and Kupono? How hard could it be to figure it out. Lets see after the solos if America gets it right this time…
After Randi’s solo, Debbie confesses (amidst her long exposition) that she wears extensions. The Kupono solo is the same as last night, except for the costume! What a difference a day makes… this time his solo looked rather jerky and with those feathers it reminded me a bit of a chicken dance. I am sorry, Mr. K, but for your benefit the show tonight did not get you out of the gate. Melissa’s solo is as good as it was last night, as is Ade’s. Not much to say, except to wait until (Fergie) The Black Eyed Peas finish their number.
As expected, we are sorry to see Randi leave and, after the two boys come out all ethnic each one of them, America finally gets it right and (as the final surprise of the night for me) Kupono leaves the competition tonight. I guess I should start believing my lying eyes a bit more… I was calling Kupono out since week one… since the auditions even… It took some time for America to finally get it right... After they convinced me that Kupono wasn't that bad after all!... Now, I'm so confused! Maybe the fact that the jidges in the end could not save him also made him be done tonight (me and my conspiracy theories). Until next week when, of course, Henry the Horse will dance the Waltz.
Wade Robson’s oriental rice paddy peasants come out with a pulsating White Black and Red girl rhythm. A good group number, by Wade assisted by Travis, opens the show on a dramatic note, promising surprises. The first one of the night is that, from now on, Nigel is DR. NIGEL, honorary doctorate of the arts from a University all the way back in England. Then we are pleasantly surprised as SYTCD Emmy nominees are announced, including our favorites: Bleeding Love, The Door, that Tango number with Jason and Chelsie, and that Adam/Eve number. Then comes the Cat, with her dreaded envelopes to tell us about the girls:
Janette hypnosis carries on, with her zombie moves and swaying hips making people pick up the phone for her.
Randi gets to sit on the stool of danger, as she is one of the bottom two.
Jeanine performance muted Mary, but not America’s phones as they rang for her and she is safe!
With Kayla and Melissa standing at the end, the blue enameled Cat quasi-surprises us when she says that Melissa will sit next to Randi. As I think about it that hippie number was not that cool, after all. It could be that when I said last night that this was a killer routine, I was not SOO far off. We’ll see in just a few minutes—after the break!
And now for the boys:
Jason is glad that Mary is not allowed to pinch his cheeks, butt America apparently wants to do so too! (despite the golden shoes… and why are Jason and Ade wearing the same shoes?)
Evan (contrary to my expectations) is safe, while Kupono is not (I expected Kupono to be safe based on my tween-teen radar, not on dancing abilities; I was trusting more what the tween-teen Twittersphere was telling me than my own lying eyes). Based on the same, I expect that Ade will be safe (which means that Brandon is not). But surprises are in store tonight! Brandon IS safe (which probably means that so will Melissa be)! The golden shoes did not do it for Ade. Seriously folks, between Ade and Kupono? How hard could it be to figure it out. Lets see after the solos if America gets it right this time…
After Randi’s solo, Debbie confesses (amidst her long exposition) that she wears extensions. The Kupono solo is the same as last night, except for the costume! What a difference a day makes… this time his solo looked rather jerky and with those feathers it reminded me a bit of a chicken dance. I am sorry, Mr. K, but for your benefit the show tonight did not get you out of the gate. Melissa’s solo is as good as it was last night, as is Ade’s. Not much to say, except to wait until (Fergie) The Black Eyed Peas finish their number.
As expected, we are sorry to see Randi leave and, after the two boys come out all ethnic each one of them, America finally gets it right and (as the final surprise of the night for me) Kupono leaves the competition tonight. I guess I should start believing my lying eyes a bit more… I was calling Kupono out since week one… since the auditions even… It took some time for America to finally get it right... After they convinced me that Kupono wasn't that bad after all!... Now, I'm so confused! Maybe the fact that the jidges in the end could not save him also made him be done tonight (me and my conspiracy theories). Until next week when, of course, Henry the Horse will dance the Waltz.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
SYTYCD The Top Ten Compete: Season Five and Bollywood. Afro Picks and Travis. Plus missing Phillip, grass skirts, peace signs and daisies

We start the dynamics of the show with a girl’s group Bollywood number choreographed by Nakul. They use a “mutka (?) which reminds us of the magical hat that is mysteriously used to select styles in the show. It is a compelling number that really showcases them all, but it seems to me that Melissa stands out. With a spicy look in his eye, Nigel calls the harem clad girls a plate of bangers and mash or even one of hot tandori! Oh, Nigel, can you handle your big group of women? I don’t think so, Nigel!
After the girls’ group number, the couples and solos first start with Kayla and Evan doing a Viennese Waltz choreographed by Tony and Melanie. This waltz is danced to a great song by Seal and it has a challenging and tricky compensation of height issue. The lifts were great, and I am not sure what Mary is talking about when she says he is not flexing his knees. It sure looked like it to me!

Jeanine gets Jason and Travis Wall’s contemporary routine. Awesome! Just having Travis choreographing for the show is already great! The dance is sexy, almost dirty?, but relies too much on a hearty gimmick. The heart on a chain going back and forth was a bit distracting and

By the way, a side note here, people on Twitter came up with a drinking game that I found quite amusing… Debbie Allen’s new drinking game: take a shot every time Debbie Allen says "honey," "child," or "girl" or "my school."
Randi and Kupono do a Paso. Randi’s hair has transformed to that of a Decepticon eluding an Autobot. The execution was not as good. Kupono’s lifts were weak, even scary. Poor Randi! This dance seemed soo looong to me! And I’m sure it was longer to her, not knowing when Kupono was going to drop her nose first to the floor! And finnaly he did! When the jidges comment on trust issues it was so understandable that Randi was concerned… after all, he almost dropped her at the start, in the middle, and finally did drop her at the end!
Looking forward to the mathematical obvious pairing of Melissa and Brandon, they are given a killer routine – Broadway choreographed by Tyce. Fortunately, it is a piece from Hair! 1967 for
those checking out there (and Nigel does, correcting the 70’s reference). Let’s see if they can do better than that awful West Side Story number by Kupono and Kayla. And they do! These are hippies with Attitude, extensions and jazz hands. And what were they smokin’ at the end? Beautiful flower child Melissa is a stand out.
The Solos:
When Brandon does his solo, he shows what training and technique can do to an improvised routine. He seems comfortable and perhaps a little too cocky.
Randi’s solo shows off her beautiful smile, but not much more. It is unfortunately not very original, with some poses, some tricks, lots of floor and an awful dress.
Kupono’s solo makes me reconsider him as a dancer! He does well, showcasing a style that defines him, all raggedy and quasi-sinister.
Melissa does her contemporary ballet solo, with great technique and only on the floor at the end. She has that level that defines her as a dancer but, can she be “America’s Favorite Dancer”?
Evan makes good in a solo that makes me think that he took to heart the Gene Kelly comment by Debbie Allen. His costume is out of place with the actual choreography, which makes the whole thing contrast with itself. Is that a good thing? I don’t think so. I think instead that the old-fashioned bits outweighed the contemporary parts.
Kayla does well, looking pretty and with some well executed air tricks, demonstrating good extensions and a pretty presence. She makes me think that ALL of these dancers ARE good, and deserve to be where they are. It is sad to think that there is only one winner, but oh well, what is that phone number again Cat?
Ade’s solo is athletic and impressive. Lots of tricks = lots of audience cheers = lots of votes.
Stunning Jeannine jumps to some scorpions and stays upright all seconds long. She does very well. And her vote number is…?
Jason’s solo is truly unimpressive. After seeing the athleticism, technique and originality of the others, I must say that he is the weakest of the boys, closely behind Evan.
Jeannete shakes her Miami moves and shows what Latino ballroom looks like! But, was it original? Can it grab that vote from the tweens out there? Among the girls, I would think that she and Randi are competing for the bottom.
To end of the show we get grass skirts after all! The boys do an African Dance routine tat I am tooooo tired to comment upon. It looked generally good, almost as punchy as the “Single Ladies” choreography performed by Beyonce. Perhaps a little more masculine.
My predictions for tomorrow: Randi and Evan out.
Randi and Kupono do a Paso. Randi’s hair has transformed to that of a Decepticon eluding an Autobot. The execution was not as good. Kupono’s lifts were weak, even scary. Poor Randi! This dance seemed soo looong to me! And I’m sure it was longer to her, not knowing when Kupono was going to drop her nose first to the floor! And finnaly he did! When the jidges comment on trust issues it was so understandable that Randi was concerned… after all, he almost dropped her at the start, in the middle, and finally did drop her at the end!
Looking forward to the mathematical obvious pairing of Melissa and Brandon, they are given a killer routine – Broadway choreographed by Tyce. Fortunately, it is a piece from Hair! 1967 for

The Solos:
When Brandon does his solo, he shows what training and technique can do to an improvised routine. He seems comfortable and perhaps a little too cocky.
Randi’s solo shows off her beautiful smile, but not much more. It is unfortunately not very original, with some poses, some tricks, lots of floor and an awful dress.
Kupono’s solo makes me reconsider him as a dancer! He does well, showcasing a style that defines him, all raggedy and quasi-sinister.
Melissa does her contemporary ballet solo, with great technique and only on the floor at the end. She has that level that defines her as a dancer but, can she be “America’s Favorite Dancer”?
Evan makes good in a solo that makes me think that he took to heart the Gene Kelly comment by Debbie Allen. His costume is out of place with the actual choreography, which makes the whole thing contrast with itself. Is that a good thing? I don’t think so. I think instead that the old-fashioned bits outweighed the contemporary parts.
Kayla does well, looking pretty and with some well executed air tricks, demonstrating good extensions and a pretty presence. She makes me think that ALL of these dancers ARE good, and deserve to be where they are. It is sad to think that there is only one winner, but oh well, what is that phone number again Cat?
Ade’s solo is athletic and impressive. Lots of tricks = lots of audience cheers = lots of votes.
Stunning Jeannine jumps to some scorpions and stays upright all seconds long. She does very well. And her vote number is…?
Jason’s solo is truly unimpressive. After seeing the athleticism, technique and originality of the others, I must say that he is the weakest of the boys, closely behind Evan.
Jeannete shakes her Miami moves and shows what Latino ballroom looks like! But, was it original? Can it grab that vote from the tweens out there? Among the girls, I would think that she and Randi are competing for the bottom.
To end of the show we get grass skirts after all! The boys do an African Dance routine tat I am tooooo tired to comment upon. It looked generally good, almost as punchy as the “Single Ladies” choreography performed by Beyonce. Perhaps a little more masculine.
My predictions for tomorrow: Randi and Evan out.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
SYTYCD - Results July 9 - Phillip is out... and I'm not happy...
Nappytabs group number is pulsating with anticipation, as it builds up the expectation to… Cat’s Dress Tonight! An odd Southwest or Mexican inspired Turquoise number that gets mixed reviews, as she congratulates the ancient judge on his B-Day. His own elegance does not shine through as he underhandedly shows his anger at the MJ estate and Sony for not allowing SYTYCD to play up commercially for ratings the tragic death of MJ.
As the first pair of couples comes up for elimination night, I think it’s obvious that Jason and Caitlin will be bottom threed, as the other couple is Brandon and Jeannette. As predicted in our blog last night, J&C are in the bottom and this is bad news for Jason, I think.
As Evan and Randi are voted safe (that Russian Dance was a real vote killer, I guess) instead of Phillip and Jeannine, Nigel goes into a solo of his own, talking about how everyone in this show anyway will be on the tour (as they need a couple of swing dancers after all). He rambles on the weight of votes, of trajectory, of the judges’ opinions and on other ways of altering the final results. He seems to say, “ok, so we rig it, but it is just a show after all… isn’t it? And now I’m really afraid for Phillip, since my prediction last night is already off, as I had assumed Evan would be off. Are they really going to kick Phillip out for the rest of the show, but keep him for the tour? So, I love Brandon and I’m okay with Ade, but is that going to be it? What’s the thrill of watching the show then? I suffer through every Kupono dance. And I never really liked Evan (who comes across as amateurish at best). Jason is alright, but not extraordinary. OK, so I’m getting producer-philosophical here and I almost miss it when Melissa & Ade as well as Kupono & Kayla come up. Unfortunately (although I expected it this way in my prediction blog) Kupono and Kayla are the safe pair.
Half of the dancers are in the bottom three, and I expect that means lots of disappointed fans (about 50%). But seriously, lets look at the TOP three: Brandon and Jeannete,
Evan and Randi, and Kayla and Kupono! Are you serious? B&J I can see, but E&R and K&K over Melissa & Ade and Phillip & Jeannine? Let’s see the solos…
[I close the eyes in my mind, as the eyes in my head see that none of these guys should be out tonight—but it is a competition and we all knew the rules of the game. I feel for Jason but among these three, it would be the logical outcome. Among the girls I almost feel the same way about Caitlin, the one girl with the most beautiful bare-feet pointe ever!!]
The singer sings, the backup dancers dance, the commercials numb the mind and when the show starts once again, long haired and legged Cat welcomes back the jidges who quickly ratify my foreboding but predictable thoughts as they kick out Caitlin. When Phillip is kicked out I am upset! But Nigel quickly tells all not to worry as he and Caitlin will be on the tour anyhow. Phillip was my “exception,” the first time I’m really a fan of an untrained dancer. He has worked so hard over the last two to three years to get where he is at. He seemed humble and honest and very creative. Someone who could really push the envelope. I am sad, and a little bit of my heart goes out with him. Phillip I am your fan!
As the first pair of couples comes up for elimination night, I think it’s obvious that Jason and Caitlin will be bottom threed, as the other couple is Brandon and Jeannette. As predicted in our blog last night, J&C are in the bottom and this is bad news for Jason, I think.

Half of the dancers are in the bottom three, and I expect that means lots of disappointed fans (about 50%). But seriously, lets look at the TOP three: Brandon and Jeannete,

[I close the eyes in my mind, as the eyes in my head see that none of these guys should be out tonight—but it is a competition and we all knew the rules of the game. I feel for Jason but among these three, it would be the logical outcome. Among the girls I almost feel the same way about Caitlin, the one girl with the most beautiful bare-feet pointe ever!!]

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8, 2009: 5-6 SYTYCD on 7-8-9, 6 pairs will lead to the top 10!

By the way, Cat’s hair—is she getting tips from Nigel’s hair stylist? But let’s leave the despair of defeated dancers back in the drawer and start enjoying their final performances.
Melissa and Ade do Disco from Dorianna – Melissa has some trouble at the beginning but gets to show that she can actually shake some ballet booty. Wild and crazy lifts dominate the number and at the end she gets all the way down to the floor on an unscheduled bump that ouch! will be black and blue tomorrow. Tyce’s first time on the j-panel (really?) includes the F (frigging) word, though he is the only one that actually mentions Ade’s performance. Man, he lifted that girl! In their second number they do a contemporary ballet variation of the Waltz which, while Ron Montez does his best with, is still green at the stage. It “nearly” was good… with a little more practice it could have been beautifully done, despite what the judges said… Still, I believe this couple will be safe tomorrow. It will all depend on how many blind followers Kayla and Kupono do have.
Kayla and Kupono now are up to a Contemporary by Mia Michaels. Remember, this style was picked out of the hat by this couple! No favoritism here. Not AT ALL! Asphyxiation and kicks seem to be the drivers in this chorography. The make-up-less Kayla is not in the favored light, but still her expression comes out. Kupono mostly grabs and doesn’t let go, glaring at his partner and the audience. Not much from him except for acting, but wait is it not called SYTYCD? –not So You Think You Can Act! Kupono has a weirdness about him, as he says that he will miss Kayla’s sweat (?). The West Side number choreographed by Joey Dowling is killed a horrible death as it seems more satirical burlesque than stylized Broadway… did they think it was Gypsy Rose (off-off-off Seventh Avenue?) Nigel truly seems to ramble at first, but he finally gets to the point and tells him they did not do well. Mary and Tyce are off, I think, truly this was not good. Terrible enough however to overcome the fact that love is blind? (I mean, the love of Kaypono’s fans?) Not sure. My wild guess is that Kaypono will be safe tomorrow, although, in my opinion, they shouldn’t be.
The quick pace of the show almost makes me miss what is going on as I write. Fortunately Jason and Caitlyn’s F Trot slows things down. Not exactly a vote grabber but Nigel offers champagne for C! is she even 21? As she shows off her cigarette holder move, I check for her age… not enough to make me believe that they are truly legal. Fortunately they have a second chance, with Mandy Moore choreographing them in their second number, a contemporary piece that definitely makes me think that it sooo unjustifiable that Jason will be kicked off before Kupono. The scripted “no chemistry” remarks by the jidges seemed to be so out of place and simply out there in order to influence the jury pool. These two will be bottom-threed, no matter what they did. I really liked this number, though.
Nelzine and Babenko (am I correct? Are these the Russian choreographers’ names?) trill a “famous” children’s tune. Famous perhaps within a few blocks of Moscow! When we see this Russian Folk Dance… well, Bollywood it ain’t! Phillip does a difficult twirling floor move, but reaaally do the producers

Randi apparently was shaking and showing her booty too much to Evan under Mia’s guidance, so Nappytabs come to the conclusion that she must have gotten pregnant! Good choreography, but a bit too much N/T formula! We’ve seen the moves before, they are good and the dancers execute them well. Not exactly urban, as Nigel says, but satisfactory—not quite movin’. Randi was the better of the two. Pasha and Anya (Seasons 3) try to teach a Samba to them and, while seeing it, I really would have liked seeing Pasha and Anya do this one instead! Evandi got the

Brandon and Jeannette’s Tango! I am so glad that Mia is not judging tonight because when she were to say tomorrow that ANY OTHER NUMBER was the best of the night my head would have spinned so bad that the sprain would have stayed for weeks! The strength of B

My prediction for tomorrow is bottom three: Evandi, Caison and… Melade… Out: Evan and Caitlin.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
SYTYCD Tonight, July 2 2009: Are these results the real deal?
Cat shows off her long legs with a short silver top, but her hair is not as good as last night, as a Brand New Day (choreographed by Tyce) frames the dancers popping out of a golden frame. I liked the number, given what we have seen before. It was an underhanded homage to Michael Jackson, but probably should have been a little more overt—some moonwalkin’ or something… And talking about dancing:
Vitolio and Carla & Evan and Randi are up first on dreaded judgment night. I expect in this comparison V & C to sail on by, and in this case we are wrong! Randi and Evan are safe. The Quick-Step Kiss of Death curse may be back!
Next Brandon & Jeanette get choo chooed with a tamale by Cat—when K and K are up against Melissa and Ade’ it seems that it is an almost unfair comparison. Indeed Melissa and Ade’ are safe, and I think that… well, I’ve got one out of two so far… and that Kupono will be out, but then along comes Mia, slamming, with her hidden anti-ballet agenda, saying that the choice of the US dancing fans is crock, saying that they are all idiots, that THAT was the BEST performance of last night! RUK’ding me?!? The BEST?!/! No Way, Mia! No Way!
I guess if Kupono or Kayla are in the bottom tonight, a divided vote it will be…
The last pair is obvious, I think, between Jason and Caitlyn & Phillip and Jeannine, as the REAL best number comes up for results (P & J, just if you’ve a doubt), and Phillip and Jeannine are obviously safe. However, the aliens DID phone home and Jason and Caitlin are not bottom threed! Perhaps, I need to believe in conspiracy theories again… after all, P & J could use some showcasing.
The solos are, whatever… Karla and Kayla are thumbs down for me, Vitolio’s is pretty good! Then Kupono comes in with his ragged Bermudas and love beads and, what can I say—I hope I don’t have to see him again???
Kupono’s solo was amateurish, to say the least…
Finally we see Jeannine showing off and demonstrating why she is top ten material and even higher! She is not fairly in the group of three and then—Phillip comes out to show us that he may be spineless and boneless but he sure can put on a number! He is top Top TOP! Why he is bottom three is a TV-show-producer’s-conspiration mystery, but I am sure he will not be at the bottom one. Mia will say whatever and maybe Kupono will stay and Vitolio leave, but do you think that would be fair? If that happens I can only say… read my previous blogs re Mia and her ethnic preferences…
The not so shocking end: Sarah and Lisa are happy that Jeannine is safe!!! (Great to see you guys again in the audience… I really envy you enjoying it all in L.A.) --- Karla is gone, and amazingly (and explainable by many other reasons except for dancing) so is Vitolio!
Vitolio and Carla & Evan and Randi are up first on dreaded judgment night. I expect in this comparison V & C to sail on by, and in this case we are wrong! Randi and Evan are safe. The Quick-Step Kiss of Death curse may be back!
Next Brandon & Jeanette get choo chooed with a tamale by Cat—when K and K are up against Melissa and Ade’ it seems that it is an almost unfair comparison. Indeed Melissa and Ade’ are safe, and I think that… well, I’ve got one out of two so far… and that Kupono will be out, but then along comes Mia, slamming, with her hidden anti-ballet agenda, saying that the choice of the US dancing fans is crock, saying that they are all idiots, that THAT was the BEST performance of last night! RUK’ding me?!? The BEST?!/! No Way, Mia! No Way!
I guess if Kupono or Kayla are in the bottom tonight, a divided vote it will be…
The last pair is obvious, I think, between Jason and Caitlyn & Phillip and Jeannine, as the REAL best number comes up for results (P & J, just if you’ve a doubt), and Phillip and Jeannine are obviously safe. However, the aliens DID phone home and Jason and Caitlin are not bottom threed! Perhaps, I need to believe in conspiracy theories again… after all, P & J could use some showcasing.
The solos are, whatever… Karla and Kayla are thumbs down for me, Vitolio’s is pretty good! Then Kupono comes in with his ragged Bermudas and love beads and, what can I say—I hope I don’t have to see him again???
Kupono’s solo was amateurish, to say the least…
Finally we see Jeannine showing off and demonstrating why she is top ten material and even higher! She is not fairly in the group of three and then—Phillip comes out to show us that he may be spineless and boneless but he sure can put on a number! He is top Top TOP! Why he is bottom three is a TV-show-producer’s-conspiration mystery, but I am sure he will not be at the bottom one. Mia will say whatever and maybe Kupono will stay and Vitolio leave, but do you think that would be fair? If that happens I can only say… read my previous blogs re Mia and her ethnic preferences…
The not so shocking end: Sarah and Lisa are happy that Jeannine is safe!!! (Great to see you guys again in the audience… I really envy you enjoying it all in L.A.) --- Karla is gone, and amazingly (and explainable by many other reasons except for dancing) so is Vitolio!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Contrition, Forgiveness and Redemption: SYTYCD No Matter How Nice, You’re Still not Sugar, Spice!
Top 14, Wed. July 1, 2009
Carmina Burana’s dramatic notes mark the start of the show, and after the top 14 do their thang, Cat Deeley, fresh from the prom in a beautiful fuchsia dress, quizzes guest judge Mia Michaels about her feelings. Mia, with a coy Attitude—or perhaps recognizing her past sins—suggests that she has changed her opinion regarding some unnamed dancer… but Nigel, pulling some teeth, gets her to admit that it is a short, male dancer. No matter how much contrition, Mia, I still believe that your true colors will show again, just as your tattoo peeks out of the sleeve of your dress!

And talking about Brandon: Up come Janette and Brandon in the first slot, challenged by a Jean Marc & France Generaux Cha Cha. Danc/gerous it is, as J falls and B is kicked near the b’s in rehearsal. Though at first it seems tentative it gets better after the first minute or so, going on really dangerously. It lacks however a je-ne-se-quois overall, but in the last two thirds they really get into it: bump and all. Cat wants to get into the moves, so (after kneeling a bit to overcome height differences) she bumps Brandon (she IS a host with the most!). This dance was hot but perhaps not steamy (I guess that was the je-ne-se-quois). After the dance, Nigel and Mary really overflow in praise, perhaps to needle Mia into saying what she said to Brandon: “you’re amazing—but you will love me and hate me in this journey.” Ok, so she publicly repented of her past sins, but let’s see if she internally makes amends.

Kupono and Kayla do contemporary by Sonya (my favorite) – a very suggestive dark pas that, I believe, will put them in the danger zone tomorrow. It was complicated, and full of tricks, so much so that emotion gets thrown out the window. Despite Mary’s comments, I do not believe that the technique was flawless, with arms flailing, and shaky legs. Mia plays nice, but she probably knows that it is bottom three again for these two.

Next, Evan and Randi do a Joey Dowling’s Broadway. Tall and spiked heel, Joey tries to whip them into shape and Mia compliments her for it. Randi does not seem to be used to dancing in shoes so she seems off balance all the time. Evan is better, but she was so bad, it was hard to watch. I did not like this number, despite Nigel’s excuses about the underlying homage to Fosse and Liza. Mia actually was the only sincere one this time, sugar coating her criticisms, but at least not saying “it was the best I’ve seen of…” that M 'n N have kept on doing all night.

Jason and Caitlin – let’s see if Brian Freedman can do something that is not in the bottom three this week. Dangerous Aliens! However BF’s idea of how an alien woman should seduce the last man on earth is STRANGGGGE! What does that say or mean about him, I do not know or want to go there. (However, not original either, since there are sooo many cult movies about this topic – Amazon Women of Outer Space and so on and so on…) The dancing, however, was overcome by the costuming, the idea and the music. It was hard to tell if they danced well or not, but Mia says she has been on that ride (abduction?). Perhaps live at the studio it looked better, but if this dance gets many votes it probably will be from the populous extraterrestrial crowd.
Phillip and Jeanine do NappiTabs! Chained together they dance to one of my favorite songs: Locked Down by Kanye W! The chain restricts but lets them do moves! Phillip pops, and Jeanine jumps. Why should Phillip have given J the key at the end makes no sense to me: They are bound together to make it very far in season five, d
espite Mia’s jealous stabs to NappiTabs chainography. A shout out to Lisa and Sarah Ponczek with that great sign rooting for Jeanine!

Melissa and Ade’ do a classical ballet with a Prokofiev’s R&J pas, a first in many ways. Even though Jessica Fernandez in season two did her last solo in Pointe shoes before getting kicked off, at this time I am elated that this style is shown shamelessly in this show. I have not lost total hope in the dancing public, so I’m sure that this number is not going to be bottom threed. One question though: could any other dancer besides Melissa have done this choreography as dreamily? Perhaps that tells us something about the “versatility” of other dance styles… after all Melissa has kicked some doing hip hop/jazz, contemporary and rumba. One of our twitter (Prosemonkey) followers does pose an interesting question: how come the only ballerina in the bunch pulled the ballet pas de deux out of the hat? Is that not a happy coincidence?
Katie Holmes, DizzyFeet, blah, blah, blah… this type of “special announcements” make my eyes glaze over.

Karla and Vitolio do Quick Step, a difficult and toughly dangerous move with a hat on, clicking heels at the Ritz. Statuesquely starting from a podium Vitiolio does good, ending with Karla at the same starting point. It was well executed, but not tour material (except perhaps for that eye popping costume change).
Carmina Burana’s dramatic notes mark the start of the show, and after the top 14 do their thang, Cat Deeley, fresh from the prom in a beautiful fuchsia dress, quizzes guest judge Mia Michaels about her feelings. Mia, with a coy Attitude—or perhaps recognizing her past sins—suggests that she has changed her opinion regarding some unnamed dancer… but Nigel, pulling some teeth, gets her to admit that it is a short, male dancer. No matter how much contrition, Mia, I still believe that your true colors will show again, just as your tattoo peeks out of the sleeve of your dress!

Katie Holmes, DizzyFeet, blah, blah, blah… this type of “special announcements” make my eyes glaze over.

Okay: My predictions for bottom three are Evan and Randi, Jason and Caitlin, and Kupono and Kayla. Who do I think will be out? Caitlin, although I do not think she’s the worst of the three. But I think that’s where the show is going. About the guys, I’m not sure but I would like to see Kupono leave.
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