But, before we go into dancing details, I have to mention that Cat seems to be partially wearing her outfits between Wednesdays and Thursdays. I guess she doesn’t like to be that matchy-matchy. And I don’t blame her! If you recall, last week she wore the Hermes dress on W. and the Hermes sandals on R. This week, she had the Gladiator sandals on W. and the Gladiator dress on R. Too bad that there is not going to be a next week to watch and criticize. Cat! What are we going to do without you and your glossy legs?

In the “surprise” portions of the show, Mary finally gets to rip a guy’s shirt off! With Dmitry (

The great preview of Criss Angel’s Believe Vegas show with a Wade Robson’s choreography for Cirque de Soleil reminds me of the many people who have not seen Vegas shows, have not seen Broadway shows, and have not even seen a professional company’s Nutcracker. This number is very good, don’t get me wrong. The dancers are coordinated and move gracefully, without wobbly moves, with synchroncity, keeping their balance, pointing their feet. The choreography is original, good moves, individually and in groups, poignant and funny, with great costuming and makeup. But it IS what is to be EXPECTED from GOOD dancing. So please, please remember this number next time when you are spoon fed the “fabulous” SYTYCD group numbers and those “never seen before” couple routines presented to you as the next best thing since sliced bread. Please, please go to a professional show and

Oh… the results: Courtney, as expected and telegraphed the night before, is the first out, I guess she was not part of the “California Triad.” Katee, against all hope but with an outside chance is the next one out. I guess she had too much training! When the chips come down, it’s the big glasses vs. the big butt —and the cheeks have it! I guess all those scholarships with Debbie Allen over the last ten years paid off! (but, wait… he actually is an untrained hip-hop street dancer!). Congratulations Joshua. Goodbye.
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