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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bull Killer Movie

When Adam Shankman promised a role in an upcoming film to the winner of So You Think You Can Dance, at first we thought he may be talking about the FAME remake, but Shankman is not yet attached to that movie as a director or producer. We do not rule it out completely, however, since Fame is still in casting mode... We sure could see some of the SYTYCD dancers (and teacher/choreographers) cast in that film (see our Fame side bar in this same page). Mr. Shankman is currently attached to four other upcoming films: Hairspray 2 (not looking forward too much to THAT one), Bedtime Stories (this one is an Adam Sandler comedy, not a dance movie or musical as far as we know), a live action/modernized version of Aladdin (this one has been a Disney's on again, off again project for several years already), and the movie “Matadors”.
Based on the true story of the Chicago Bulls’ group of male cheerleaders, the film Matadors is described as “a comedic take on what happens when a pair of ultimate basketball fans form a cheerleading squad.” The movie will be distributed by Disney. The director will be Anne Fletcher, who directed “27 Dresses” and “Step-up” (another Shankman produced film). Is Matadors the prize for the SYTYCD winner? Maybe... but they'll have to beautify the cast a lot! The true ones are not that pretty!
To give you casting ideas, the real life Matadors for the Chicago Bulls (current season) are these (there seems to be even a spot for Will’s James Brown wig -check Corie out!):
Adam - Albert - Corie - DeLawrence - John - Kevin - Kirby - Mike O. - Mike S. - Steven
Who knows. The movie could be the live action Aladdin project instead. We can see some Bollywood and other SYTYCD "ethnic" dances in that one!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That matador movie sounds funny. But I think it will be a waste of skills and a waste of Twitch's six packs if he's on it! Joshua is also too pretty for that cast!

Anonymous said...

There are many other options: shirtless baskeball players, opposing pretty male cheerleaders, other lunatic fans... belly jigglers unite!

Anonymous said...
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