Butt They Dance, Don’t They…
Sorry, fans, but I set priorities tonight and enjoying dinner while watching SYTYCD with the daughter won over writing a proper blog. Hence, I’m going to be very brief tonight. Hopefully, I’ll get some complaints, which will tell me that some people really read my blog!?! Or Not! Maybe, if I were to go away, would some people really miss me?
Anyhow, my favorites tonight were: Brandon and Jeanette’s Hip Hop; Jeanine and Phillip’s feathers dance; Randi and Evan (Mia Michael’s BUTT choreography); and Melissa and Ade’s Rumba. I really enjoyed Melissa’s performance. Actually, I think she’s one of the best Season 5 dancers. But Brandon, Jeanette, Ade, Randi and Evan were pretty good also. And I was kind of upset with the “simple” comments from Nigel. These dances weren’t simple, Nigel. The dancers were CLEAN, which makes a big difference, making them look simple/easy and almost effortless. They were not simple; they were well executed. I dare you to watch them again and see how NOT EASY or SIMPLE they were. Randi and Evan in particular looked simple but, if that choreography was not danced properly it could so easily look so very sloppy! That was a great Mia Michael’s choreography, by the way.
Also great were Caitlin and Jason. I love them as dancers; but this was NOT one of my favorite dances tonight. But I still think that Caitlin is among the best dancers this season.
So, I guess we can already predict the TOP TEN for SEASON 5: Melissa, Caitlin, Jeanine, Janette, Randi, Brandon, Ade, Randi, Evan and Philip.
Bottom Three: Karla and Jonathan; Asuka and Vitolio; Kayla and Kupono. Out should be Asuka and Kupono, especially considering that they both do not seem to be able to dance for their lives, even if their lives were in actual danger.
And, briefly, just some random comments: Tony Basil was definitely wearing Bloch’s little girls’ ruffle backpack over her head (this is an insider’s joke, and a shout out just for our friend Jimmy). Did Tony Basil spill the beans when she said that Mia Michaels had been observing Evan and Randi and creating choreography FOR THEM. Did you mean for them in particular? So, do you mean that Mia picks who she wants to choreograph for? No! Really? So: It isn’t picked from a hat? And, about the “what would they be doing if they weren’t dancing” theme: Doesn’t the whole thing make you think that those career options are their actual career goals? Like, looking into the Crystal Ball: Jewelry making, elementary school teacher, aspiring actress, studio owner… Not that hard to see that in their futures… Oh, and of course I cannot leave you tonight without mentioning Randi’s and Phillip’s Butts overexposure (only the last one was an accident). Well, I guess I wasn’t that brief after all… BUTT I wasn’t thorough, I know!
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
SYTYCD: Results Show June 18, 2009
The show starts with a Mia Choreography. Liked it!
A montage of Philosopher King Lil’ C. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t recording the show tonight! I would have loved to write down each and every word of that montage!
Rushing into the first round of results. Melliser (Cat’s loving pronunciation) and Ade are safe, as expected. Philip and Jeanine’s Tango gets them … safe! Caitlin and Jason are bottom three-d. I had not done that, so my blog from last night is totally off, however it was a dance that turned me off. I contradict myself sometimes, what can I say, accelerated writing and reactions sometimes…
Brandon and Janette are safe, even after that tough choice. I’m glad.
Karla and Jonathan are buck in Lil’C’s eyes and the US! Shane Sparks is in hot water as two of his choreographies are in the bottom (even as Kupono is disguised as Brian Friedman). To be honest, I didn’t like Shane’s choreographies either (see my Twitts-www.twitter.com/ttitude). However, I wrongly assumed that America will vote for them. I guess I should give America and myself more credit next time!
Evan and Randy are safe with their fun number. Asuka and Vitolio’s Waltz overcomes the woman killer choreography of Brian. Is it odd that the renowned Sparks and Friedman are the choreographers in the bottom two?
Again, not to justify it, but out of “respect” for the status quo I wasn’t as harsh as I wanted to be about these two last night. But I’m actually glad that America got it right. My predictions were wrong because I assumed that the audience will go for the Friedman/Sparks’ choreographies. Next week, I’ll try to believe in myself a bit more!
And then we have a “Bollywood” dancer whose name occupied the whole screen from left to right and I couldn’t capture. As I see her. I remember when I used to see the American Indian PowWows out West as those jingling anklets and bracelets are a common accessory for both these ethnic-like dances. Loved it!
The solos, what can I say? The most pathetic is Kupono’s, disguised as a poor dancer’s version of Brian Friedman, but Ashley’s isn’t exactly uplifting either. Caitlin is still one of my favorites this season, and as I expect to see her to be part of the top ten, I assume she’ll stay. Kayla’s solo is okay, nothing exceptional.
Maks’ solo is a blur of moving legs that make him definitely safe in my eyes. The show needs a ballroom dancer, and he’s definitely a professional that can pick choreography.
After the Britney-Spears-Has-been-Lip-Synching-Wannabee performs, we find out the jidges decision (not unanimous says Nigel). Ashley is out, after the robot routine and Shane’s shadow. Amazingly, in a STOOPID decision, Maksim is out! This guy’s soo muuch bbetterr than Kupono! RUKM! This decision is a joke!
Are they going to pull out one of their trick later on, ala Thayne, and bring him back when someone else gets injured or whatever and they need a professional dancer… Maybe… I hope so…!!!
Well, I cannot understand this decision. Voting off Maks instead of Kupono?!?!? Am I SOO out of it? P***d off does not begin to describe my feelings about this result. I do not understand: between K and M the clear choice was M—even when seeking TV ratings! Maybe I AM out of it after all…
I’m not happy right now! Bye. Until next week.
A montage of Philosopher King Lil’ C. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t recording the show tonight! I would have loved to write down each and every word of that montage!
Rushing into the first round of results. Melliser (Cat’s loving pronunciation) and Ade are safe, as expected. Philip and Jeanine’s Tango gets them … safe! Caitlin and Jason are bottom three-d. I had not done that, so my blog from last night is totally off, however it was a dance that turned me off. I contradict myself sometimes, what can I say, accelerated writing and reactions sometimes…
Brandon and Janette are safe, even after that tough choice. I’m glad.
Karla and Jonathan are buck in Lil’C’s eyes and the US! Shane Sparks is in hot water as two of his choreographies are in the bottom (even as Kupono is disguised as Brian Friedman). To be honest, I didn’t like Shane’s choreographies either (see my Twitts-www.twitter.com/ttitude). However, I wrongly assumed that America will vote for them. I guess I should give America and myself more credit next time!
Evan and Randy are safe with their fun number. Asuka and Vitolio’s Waltz overcomes the woman killer choreography of Brian. Is it odd that the renowned Sparks and Friedman are the choreographers in the bottom two?
Again, not to justify it, but out of “respect” for the status quo I wasn’t as harsh as I wanted to be about these two last night. But I’m actually glad that America got it right. My predictions were wrong because I assumed that the audience will go for the Friedman/Sparks’ choreographies. Next week, I’ll try to believe in myself a bit more!
And then we have a “Bollywood” dancer whose name occupied the whole screen from left to right and I couldn’t capture. As I see her. I remember when I used to see the American Indian PowWows out West as those jingling anklets and bracelets are a common accessory for both these ethnic-like dances. Loved it!
The solos, what can I say? The most pathetic is Kupono’s, disguised as a poor dancer’s version of Brian Friedman, but Ashley’s isn’t exactly uplifting either. Caitlin is still one of my favorites this season, and as I expect to see her to be part of the top ten, I assume she’ll stay. Kayla’s solo is okay, nothing exceptional.
Maks’ solo is a blur of moving legs that make him definitely safe in my eyes. The show needs a ballroom dancer, and he’s definitely a professional that can pick choreography.
After the Britney-Spears-Has-been-Lip-Synching-Wannabee performs, we find out the jidges decision (not unanimous says Nigel). Ashley is out, after the robot routine and Shane’s shadow. Amazingly, in a STOOPID decision, Maksim is out! This guy’s soo muuch bbetterr than Kupono! RUKM! This decision is a joke!
Are they going to pull out one of their trick later on, ala Thayne, and bring him back when someone else gets injured or whatever and they need a professional dancer… Maybe… I hope so…!!!
Well, I cannot understand this decision. Voting off Maks instead of Kupono?!?!? Am I SOO out of it? P***d off does not begin to describe my feelings about this result. I do not understand: between K and M the clear choice was M—even when seeking TV ratings! Maybe I AM out of it after all…
I’m not happy right now! Bye. Until next week.
So You Think You Can Dance Slow, Fast, Faster!
The second week gets us off to a great start. Two new choreographers, the return of Shane and Brian, and Lil’ C more obfuscating than usual. An entertaining episode tonight for SYTYCD, D, D…
Let’s start by saying that Cat’s big ketchup dress is… well let me talk about the dancers instead.
Louis Van Amstel from DWTS (where Lacey and satin Chelsie have gigs) in a counter cross-breeding dance-show pollination shows up to choreograph in SYTCD. Fortunately we have Cat here as host, instead of Lisa Rinna… as somebody’s partner or in any other fashion. Louis choreographs Jive jitters with a fun clock meter to start the night, as the judges give Randy and Evan a bit of a dressing down. I thought it was fun, certainly hi-energy. The tricks well executed, the butt grabbing a bit surprising… after all is this not a show about entertainment? Lil’ C suggests in fact that Evan is too smooth and polished and he needs to get rougher! But Mary and Nigel slam on the technique side. So I don’t know what they are looking for, and much less do cannon fodder dancers such as this charming couple.
For the second number Ade and Melissa are choreographed by: Sonya!!! I love her. Cirque-de-Soleil-ish beginning this is modern jazz not contemporary or Hip-hop-lite. Sonya does an incredible choreography, highlighting the contrast and complimenting the strengths, using the white arms over the black chest in a great graphic composition that the dancers absoluutleee nailed! Ade demonstrates what a male dancer does, enhancing the partner, but showing his movements and his strength. Melissa was awesome! She danced! She pointed!, She extended! Great number, great dancers. Nigel is an idiot! (see my twitter).
Shane Sparks’ hip hop for Caitlin and Jason relies on chemistry, and maybe a little glue and tape. What can I say… there was not real originality in the dance, just formula steps one after the other. She was better than he, who really was all hip hop clichés. Not top notch. This is what I meant by Hip-hop-lite. For once, I am not disgusted by the judge’s comments.
Brandon and Janette, the Miami couple, are really in the dog house. Last week F**x Trot, and this week Disco? Somebody out there (Mia?) does not seem to like them. They actually do incredibly well in an incredibly fast motion number choreographed by Dorianna. The Philosopher King Lil ‘C is so shocked that esta fumao as they say in Miami, rambling weirdly (or more so than usual). These dancers can eat three Whoppers and a couple of milkshakes and still burn all the calories off! Amazing that Janette actually trusted Brandon’s strength and stamina all the way to the end, to pick her up in that final move and not drop her! They must have spent enough Miami energy to light the stage over and over and over!
Vitolio and Asuka, are choreographed by Louis in a waltz (wow they really do not like Miami dancers, do they?!—all they give them is low-vote dance styles!). The routine to boot was boring from our vantage point, outside that studio, not top trick material that makes people pick up the phone. Mary’s tears do not make me think that the votes will be there; yes it was beautiful, but will it get votes? On TV it is not the same as in person, so I really think that bottom three is probably in the very near future for these two.
Brian Friedman gives us Maks and Kayla in a poorly/distractingly costumed misogynistic confrontation. Really, the dancing was good, but did he really have to snap her neck at the end? Mixed feelings with this one: good medium, poor message.
Jonathan and Karla do a Stacey Tookey (Canadian SYTYCD import) contemporary routine that is sentimental and, perhaps, even good. It is hard to figure out if it was easy or if it just looked that way. It had some really cool moves but that somehow we have already seen, haven’t we? Was it a standout performance in an entertainment show? Hard to tell. Even with all the praise by the judges, I still believe they will be bottom three-d.
Boy, Cat’s red dress is distracting… And did you notice that Sonya also had a one shoulder dress? (The other shoulder). But I still love her. Oh, and did you notice that Caitlin’s top seemed to have been made with Cat’s right shoulder?
Philip and Jeanine do a Tango by Tony Meredith that gets Philip kicked in the nuts as Jeanine flies and shakes to overpower him substantially. I understand the judges’ critique, but I don’t think this two will be in trouble tomorrow. They’re popular and attractive and, even though they were quite outside their comfort zone, they did a good job. Even the choreographer said so!
For the final number, Ashley and Kupono do a shadow Sparks’ dance were he is not as stuck to the dark presence of her as he should. I still think the judges were harsher with them than they deserved, as it was an interesting routine well executed.
As I twitted to my followers (make me more paranoid at @ttitude), I think that bottom three will be Karla & Jonathan, Asuka & Vitolio, and Randi & Evan. Still not clear cut for the final ones out. I’m really guessing here but I think it will be Vitolio for the guys and Karla for the girls. Then again, maybe I am biased and would just like Asuka to stay (although she hasn’t shown much to redeem her). We’ll see….
Let’s start by saying that Cat’s big ketchup dress is… well let me talk about the dancers instead.
Louis Van Amstel from DWTS (where Lacey and satin Chelsie have gigs) in a counter cross-breeding dance-show pollination shows up to choreograph in SYTCD. Fortunately we have Cat here as host, instead of Lisa Rinna… as somebody’s partner or in any other fashion. Louis choreographs Jive jitters with a fun clock meter to start the night, as the judges give Randy and Evan a bit of a dressing down. I thought it was fun, certainly hi-energy. The tricks well executed, the butt grabbing a bit surprising… after all is this not a show about entertainment? Lil’ C suggests in fact that Evan is too smooth and polished and he needs to get rougher! But Mary and Nigel slam on the technique side. So I don’t know what they are looking for, and much less do cannon fodder dancers such as this charming couple.
For the second number Ade and Melissa are choreographed by: Sonya!!! I love her. Cirque-de-Soleil-ish beginning this is modern jazz not contemporary or Hip-hop-lite. Sonya does an incredible choreography, highlighting the contrast and complimenting the strengths, using the white arms over the black chest in a great graphic composition that the dancers absoluutleee nailed! Ade demonstrates what a male dancer does, enhancing the partner, but showing his movements and his strength. Melissa was awesome! She danced! She pointed!, She extended! Great number, great dancers. Nigel is an idiot! (see my twitter).
Shane Sparks’ hip hop for Caitlin and Jason relies on chemistry, and maybe a little glue and tape. What can I say… there was not real originality in the dance, just formula steps one after the other. She was better than he, who really was all hip hop clichés. Not top notch. This is what I meant by Hip-hop-lite. For once, I am not disgusted by the judge’s comments.
Brandon and Janette, the Miami couple, are really in the dog house. Last week F**x Trot, and this week Disco? Somebody out there (Mia?) does not seem to like them. They actually do incredibly well in an incredibly fast motion number choreographed by Dorianna. The Philosopher King Lil ‘C is so shocked that esta fumao as they say in Miami, rambling weirdly (or more so than usual). These dancers can eat three Whoppers and a couple of milkshakes and still burn all the calories off! Amazing that Janette actually trusted Brandon’s strength and stamina all the way to the end, to pick her up in that final move and not drop her! They must have spent enough Miami energy to light the stage over and over and over!
Vitolio and Asuka, are choreographed by Louis in a waltz (wow they really do not like Miami dancers, do they?!—all they give them is low-vote dance styles!). The routine to boot was boring from our vantage point, outside that studio, not top trick material that makes people pick up the phone. Mary’s tears do not make me think that the votes will be there; yes it was beautiful, but will it get votes? On TV it is not the same as in person, so I really think that bottom three is probably in the very near future for these two.
Brian Friedman gives us Maks and Kayla in a poorly/distractingly costumed misogynistic confrontation. Really, the dancing was good, but did he really have to snap her neck at the end? Mixed feelings with this one: good medium, poor message.
Jonathan and Karla do a Stacey Tookey (Canadian SYTYCD import) contemporary routine that is sentimental and, perhaps, even good. It is hard to figure out if it was easy or if it just looked that way. It had some really cool moves but that somehow we have already seen, haven’t we? Was it a standout performance in an entertainment show? Hard to tell. Even with all the praise by the judges, I still believe they will be bottom three-d.
Boy, Cat’s red dress is distracting… And did you notice that Sonya also had a one shoulder dress? (The other shoulder). But I still love her. Oh, and did you notice that Caitlin’s top seemed to have been made with Cat’s right shoulder?
Philip and Jeanine do a Tango by Tony Meredith that gets Philip kicked in the nuts as Jeanine flies and shakes to overpower him substantially. I understand the judges’ critique, but I don’t think this two will be in trouble tomorrow. They’re popular and attractive and, even though they were quite outside their comfort zone, they did a good job. Even the choreographer said so!
For the final number, Ashley and Kupono do a shadow Sparks’ dance were he is not as stuck to the dark presence of her as he should. I still think the judges were harsher with them than they deserved, as it was an interesting routine well executed.
As I twitted to my followers (make me more paranoid at @ttitude), I think that bottom three will be Karla & Jonathan, Asuka & Vitolio, and Randi & Evan. Still not clear cut for the final ones out. I’m really guessing here but I think it will be Vitolio for the guys and Karla for the girls. Then again, maybe I am biased and would just like Asuka to stay (although she hasn’t shown much to redeem her). We’ll see….
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm experimenting with Twitter tonight!
I'm twitting along tonight. If you want to follow me as I watch the show, my name is TTITUDE (replies to @attitude). Follow me and re-twitt!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Results Show - Week 1
Tonight, I was late arriving home from work, so I missed the first five minutes of SYTYCD live results show. In those five minutes, apparently many things happened including a group hip hop dance to Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas. My friends tell me that it was cool. I’ll have to watch it on Youtube.
Okay. So I think I did kind of okay with my predictions last night, although I was completely wrong about the actual bottom two. I was certain that Karla and Jonathan will be part of the bottom three (and I was correct), but then I had doubts between four other couples. I included Paris and Tony and Asuka and Vitolio among them, however, so I guess I was right that way. But I thought Karla and John will be the ones out, and I was wrong.
Do the judges really take the solos into account? Apparently so, if based on tonight’s episode. Because, seriously, after watching tonight’s solos I also thought that Tony was terrible! And, if you see my previous blogs, you’ll see that I thought it was kind of a joke that Tony got into the show to begin with (after his chair act in Vegas? come on!). However, after last night, I thought they might give Tony another week, just to keep another hip hopper in the show. Anyhow, I won’t miss Tony.
About the girls, I thought Asuka’s solo was not good but, honestly, none of the girls’ solos really impressed me. But Asuka’s been so much better than that solo! It looked like she was completely out of steam and didn’t know what to do. However, I’m glad they kept her. About Paris, I think there is only room for one tutu in this show and that is Melissa’s (although tonight Melissa was wearing just 1/8 of it!).
Well, going against my conspiracy theorist best instincts, tonight I thought that the judges were very fair! I almost like if I were watching top chef!
Okay, no major surprises tonight on So You Think You Can Dance, not much to say about Cat’s outfit, just a mellow results show. Next week, the competition continues… and we may have spoilers early on in the week (Monday night) if we get our sources at the taping to give us any hints: who dances what with whom, etc., etc., etc…..
Okay. So I think I did kind of okay with my predictions last night, although I was completely wrong about the actual bottom two. I was certain that Karla and Jonathan will be part of the bottom three (and I was correct), but then I had doubts between four other couples. I included Paris and Tony and Asuka and Vitolio among them, however, so I guess I was right that way. But I thought Karla and John will be the ones out, and I was wrong.
Do the judges really take the solos into account? Apparently so, if based on tonight’s episode. Because, seriously, after watching tonight’s solos I also thought that Tony was terrible! And, if you see my previous blogs, you’ll see that I thought it was kind of a joke that Tony got into the show to begin with (after his chair act in Vegas? come on!). However, after last night, I thought they might give Tony another week, just to keep another hip hopper in the show. Anyhow, I won’t miss Tony.
About the girls, I thought Asuka’s solo was not good but, honestly, none of the girls’ solos really impressed me. But Asuka’s been so much better than that solo! It looked like she was completely out of steam and didn’t know what to do. However, I’m glad they kept her. About Paris, I think there is only room for one tutu in this show and that is Melissa’s (although tonight Melissa was wearing just 1/8 of it!).
Well, going against my conspiracy theorist best instincts, tonight I thought that the judges were very fair! I almost like if I were watching top chef!
Okay, no major surprises tonight on So You Think You Can Dance, not much to say about Cat’s outfit, just a mellow results show. Next week, the competition continues… and we may have spoilers early on in the week (Monday night) if we get our sources at the taping to give us any hints: who dances what with whom, etc., etc., etc…..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: The Competition Begins At Last!
Finally, it’s the first night of competition for SYTYCD. Cat is in Spidey/White Mermaid/Piano Key looking dress (see my side bar about Cat’s Fashion), tangling us in a web of dance, dance, dance... Adam Shankman is the guest judge, and he’s being so, so prince charming (!?!?!?). It doesn’t matter that he seems to be a little bit fake, somehow... As they showcase the top twenty, I start pointing out my favorites so far: Asuka, Brandon, Caitlin, Janette…

Philip the Popper is paired with Jeanine, choreographed by the stellar NappyTabs. Right up their ally, as she is a competition baby and he is a popper street guy. Mad, Ne-Yo’s song is adequately danced to, not especially up to expectations. The surprise is Philip, as he is highlighted in this choreography over Jeanine. The sum of the parts for me was not really more than the parts. She seems to be getting set up by the judges “slipped through the net” says Nigel, not done much before, no experience in Hip-hop, etc., etc., etc… They will be safe this week, however, as this number is a winner no matter what...

We hear that Asuka did classical ballet until she went to college, setting up the training for the amazing dancer we see now. Hot Honey Rag in an amusing Broadway routine choreographed by Tyce, she is much greater than he (Vitolio). Lots of hand jazz waving, stiff limbs, and forced smiles make this not exactly my favorite routine. Lots of work ahead for Asuka, maybe not so much for Vitolio (he will be gone before her). I really like Asuka, but this number was kind of blah.

To the song Poker Faced by Lady Gaga (one of those favorites of mine), Karla and John’s routine by Tony is cha-cha mechanics, looks more like filler than a routine that wanted to be in this show. Shankman’s comment that he needs to dance more like a man than a boy seems the only sincere comment from the poker faced judges.

Randi and Evan (the brother), do a Tyce Diorio number, I Only Have Eyes For You, that is the best one of the night so far, though not as great as it could’ve been, perhaps because it is early in the season, perhaps because Evan's dance is kind of heavy. The back story of the brothers in the audience, and the husband that is not there, is getting a bit annoying. This was a good dance, however. Not a great dance. but a good dance. This pair will be safe this week.

Paris and Tony do Na
ppyTabs to Let the Beat Rock by Black Eyed Peas. Not exactly hard core, it is more of a sugar coated hip hop routine well executed, sharp and disciplined—mechanical technique overkill. It's hard to figure out what the audience will make of this number. My take is that some people are going to really like it, and they will like these two and vote for them. As a dancing number, I'm ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Brandon and Janette are given a tall order with a Fox Trot… after Bollywood? Are you kiding me? For heaven’s sake! Could they have made it more difficult for them! Fox Trot, the kiss of dead, on week one and after Bollywood! Come Fly With Me by Michael Buble. Borderline on the voting category, it is very well done. Brandon’s personality comes through, perhaps not in the most favorable light. 
Felt Mountain by Goldfrapp (another favorite of mine) is the backdrop for a Wade Robson choreography for Ashley and Kupono. The doggie robot was cute, as well as the dancer robots. I wonder, however, how much difference would it have made if the dancer robots where actual robot dolls? I found this number interesting, but I don’t know how good of dancers it really required…???

Melissa and Ade, the naughty, buffed, “seasoned” ballerina. I kind of discovered Melissa tonight! Before, she didn't seem to me to me anything more than the tired act of the fake tutued "ballerina" among the contemporary dancers. Actually. I found her to be quite a moving dancer. Clean and expresive. Mandy Moore choreography showcased them both, and they reached to the level! Ade, in a routine way out of his style (and out of his league?) did his part. I c
annot avoid wondering how wonderful this number would have been with Brandon and Melissa as a pair! In any case, I enjoyed it and liked Melissa’s dancing a lot. She’s now one of my favorites too!

Paris and Tony do Na

Caitlin and Jason bring Bollywood energy to the floor: Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire. This is a number that no matter what and who, it won’t be bottom three tomorrow. The song, the style, the kiss… I like Caitlin, and there is something about Jason too. It seems kind of unfair, however, with other people such as Janette and Brandon (see below) who seem to have gotten the short stick while Caitlin and Jason got a number that no matter what, it won’t fail to enchant the audience. Caitlin is one of my favorites anyhow, so I’m glad that she will be staying.

Melissa and Ade, the naughty, buffed, “seasoned” ballerina. I kind of discovered Melissa tonight! Before, she didn't seem to me to me anything more than the tired act of the fake tutued "ballerina" among the contemporary dancers. Actually. I found her to be quite a moving dancer. Clean and expresive. Mandy Moore choreography showcased them both, and they reached to the level! Ade, in a routine way out of his style (and out of his league?) did his part. I c

Next, Max and Kayla Max did a samba, hot and moving. Great piece, but now my conspiracies begin to brew… Why did they give them a number tha
t was
obviously so totally within their comfort zone! This number, write it down, will be in the top 10 tour. I think Max is great. I liked him since the auditions. But he’s obviously one of the professionals that will be on the tour no matter what… Oh my, how much I love a conspiracy!!!
Okay. After the show, my favorites are: Caitlin, Asuka, Brandon, Melissa and Max.

Okay. After the show, my favorites are: Caitlin, Asuka, Brandon, Melissa and Max.
My prediction for bottom three are: Karla and John and Brandon and Janette for sure. About the third couple, I debate between Asuka and Vitolio, Paris and Tony, or Ashley and Kupono? Hard to tell. I think Ashley and Kupono. In any case, I think Karla and John will be the ones to go bye, bye,

Friday, June 5, 2009
SYTYCD: The Top 20 Revelation at Last
So You Think You Can Dance: The Top 20 Revelation
As I anxiously await for SYTYCD to start I am shocked when I sit down, ready to write my blog, and “Bones” comes on. Another hour till the start of the show! When finally the final cut starts, I am ready. Unfortunately, my expectations are dashed because this is not the greatest TV entertainment out there, with the prolonged low level tension dragging out slowly as the 32 are whittled down to the 20. Some highlights from a low show:
We learn that hot and spicy Janette Manrara breaks up with her boyfriend, moved back with mom but goes on to LA. In an interview with the LA Times, Nigel had said that that is what they were looking for in Miami, and she’s got it (plus abs!).
Dianna is kicked out of the jungle, monkey and all. Tony the bird makes it to LA. Jeanine Mason (another South Florida girl!) goes to LA too. Kapono chair dancing from Seattle’s actually makes it also! Another five or six dancers make it to top 20 in a quick sequence that suggests that they are mostly cannon fodder for the upcoming first weeks of the live show.
When Brandon comes up, I have to wonder, what’s wrong with Mia? Why the drama around Brandon? Why is she calling him cocky and arrogant? Is there something about him that threatens her? I wonder because, honestly, Brandon Bryant and Alex Wong have been the best of this show so far (oh, and Asuka), so I don’t understand Mia’s reaction. Is there a pattern here? We have seen her spew out similarly against other great dancers such as Danny (Season 3) and Will (Season 4). They all had in common that they were great dancers, with classical training, and African Americans. And I think that what Mia doesn’t like about them is two out of these three issues (and it is not that they are “great dancers”). Okay? Whatever, Brandon is too good for the show to pass on, and he will make it! And he does. No matter if Mia is being bleeped out in her venomous tirade against him.
Alex Wong (who I've loved from the early auditions) is torn by his desire to “dance expressively” in a show vying for popular votes, and his contract as a professional dancer with Miami City Ballet (one of the most successful, creative, and forward looking ballet companies out there!). Whhaaatt? Nigel says that Eddie Villela does not want to let him go, although after what was said tonight, who knows? MCB is a company that does classical ballet in the most American style: George Balanchine and Jerome Robbins. And they also do modern and contemporary with Twyla Tharp and other modern choreographers. It is a company that explores dance in its purest forms. Alex should be glad to have a contract with such a forward company when so many other great dancers are currently out of work. And what does he mean by being “trapped” in Ballet? What a silly pre-conception! And why did you give that satisfaction to Mia, Alex, to typecast Ballet as a “trap”! Like if Ballet meant a one-dimensional form of expression! Well, if he’s let go from MCB and returns to SYTYCD I will enjoy watching him on this competition anyway, but his crying about MCB as a prison lost me as an early fan.
At the end of the show, and as I predicted, Asuka makes it. I say she will go up to top ten, as well as Brandon.
The full top 20:
Boys: Vitolio Jeune, Pono Aweau, Ade Obayomi, Jonathan Platero, Brandon Bryant, Tony Bellissimo, Maksim Kapitannikov, Jason Glover, Philip Chbeeb, Evan Kasprzak
Girls: Janette Manrara, Kayla Radomski, Paris Torres, Karla Garcia, Caitlin Kinney, Melissa Sandvig, Ashley Valerio, Randi Strong-Evans, Jeanine Mason, Asuka Kondoh
Memorable so far: Brandon and Maksim (he's awesome, I had forgotten about him!), Philip Chbeeb (remember him? from Season 4 battle with Robert Muraine? when did he audtion that I missed it?), Evan (mmm... the brother drama... but is his dancing really at the level of this show?), Janette (we've seen a little, but enough to see that she's absolutely incredible!) and Asuka (great!). And we have not seen nothing yet!
As I anxiously await for SYTYCD to start I am shocked when I sit down, ready to write my blog, and “Bones” comes on. Another hour till the start of the show! When finally the final cut starts, I am ready. Unfortunately, my expectations are dashed because this is not the greatest TV entertainment out there, with the prolonged low level tension dragging out slowly as the 32 are whittled down to the 20. Some highlights from a low show:
We learn that hot and spicy Janette Manrara breaks up with her boyfriend, moved back with mom but goes on to LA. In an interview with the LA Times, Nigel had said that that is what they were looking for in Miami, and she’s got it (plus abs!).
Dianna is kicked out of the jungle, monkey and all. Tony the bird makes it to LA. Jeanine Mason (another South Florida girl!) goes to LA too. Kapono chair dancing from Seattle’s actually makes it also! Another five or six dancers make it to top 20 in a quick sequence that suggests that they are mostly cannon fodder for the upcoming first weeks of the live show.
When Brandon comes up, I have to wonder, what’s wrong with Mia? Why the drama around Brandon? Why is she calling him cocky and arrogant? Is there something about him that threatens her? I wonder because, honestly, Brandon Bryant and Alex Wong have been the best of this show so far (oh, and Asuka), so I don’t understand Mia’s reaction. Is there a pattern here? We have seen her spew out similarly against other great dancers such as Danny (Season 3) and Will (Season 4). They all had in common that they were great dancers, with classical training, and African Americans. And I think that what Mia doesn’t like about them is two out of these three issues (and it is not that they are “great dancers”). Okay? Whatever, Brandon is too good for the show to pass on, and he will make it! And he does. No matter if Mia is being bleeped out in her venomous tirade against him.
Alex Wong (who I've loved from the early auditions) is torn by his desire to “dance expressively” in a show vying for popular votes, and his contract as a professional dancer with Miami City Ballet (one of the most successful, creative, and forward looking ballet companies out there!). Whhaaatt? Nigel says that Eddie Villela does not want to let him go, although after what was said tonight, who knows? MCB is a company that does classical ballet in the most American style: George Balanchine and Jerome Robbins. And they also do modern and contemporary with Twyla Tharp and other modern choreographers. It is a company that explores dance in its purest forms. Alex should be glad to have a contract with such a forward company when so many other great dancers are currently out of work. And what does he mean by being “trapped” in Ballet? What a silly pre-conception! And why did you give that satisfaction to Mia, Alex, to typecast Ballet as a “trap”! Like if Ballet meant a one-dimensional form of expression! Well, if he’s let go from MCB and returns to SYTYCD I will enjoy watching him on this competition anyway, but his crying about MCB as a prison lost me as an early fan.
At the end of the show, and as I predicted, Asuka makes it. I say she will go up to top ten, as well as Brandon.
The full top 20:
Boys: Vitolio Jeune, Pono Aweau, Ade Obayomi, Jonathan Platero, Brandon Bryant, Tony Bellissimo, Maksim Kapitannikov, Jason Glover, Philip Chbeeb, Evan Kasprzak
Girls: Janette Manrara, Kayla Radomski, Paris Torres, Karla Garcia, Caitlin Kinney, Melissa Sandvig, Ashley Valerio, Randi Strong-Evans, Jeanine Mason, Asuka Kondoh
Memorable so far: Brandon and Maksim (he's awesome, I had forgotten about him!), Philip Chbeeb (remember him? from Season 4 battle with Robert Muraine? when did he audtion that I missed it?), Evan (mmm... the brother drama... but is his dancing really at the level of this show?), Janette (we've seen a little, but enough to see that she's absolutely incredible!) and Asuka (great!). And we have not seen nothing yet!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: O Brother (Where Art Thou)

The Vegas round show is awkward. The rounds come and go around; the “dance-for-your-lives” are not lively, as the sharks and the jets shimmy in Vegas, America… Everybody cries… everybody cried and cried and cried, and I also feel like crying as I’m bored to death with this show tonight.
I pity the judges: a week of this! I give thanks to the editing guys. The cutting floor spares us the cutting scenes as dozens of dancers doing the same and the same and the same do not make it round after round after round. The persistence of dancers does come through, though, and the tough reality of a dancer’s life is showcased. Hundreds of young people had a bit of a taste of what it is to be cast into a show. A dancer’s life is a life of passion, passion for the underlying desire in their heart. It is a life of sacrifice to satisfy that passion, with scant opportunities to relax poolside. Professional dancers often hold three and four jobs as they try to make a living and the rent, and have politicians and others dismiss them as dispensable commodities in our society’s well being. The cuts that Nigel and friends made are the kindest. It is when arts school programs, municipal, and federal budgets are cut that dance is cut out from us all. Power to all the ones who made it to Vegas! Power to all who auditioned for Season Five! You have made all of our lives better.
Sorry to be such a downer tonight. The crying game got me down tonight. Let’s see what the
show brings tomorrow, with the revealing of the top twenty. Among the girls, I expect Asuka to be in as one of the top ten girls for sure. Among the guys, Brandon Bryant and Alex Wong should make it. Any other predictions are kind of hard, honestly, because the show tonight seems to be showcasing people that are NOT going to make it into the top twenty. One thing I’m sure is that the two Krapscak brothers, Evan and Ryan, are not going to make it too much further (or should not, in my view).
Yes, I must say, it’s almost hard to believe that “somewhere in amengst thes crowd,” as Cat says in her best Catish accent, “is Ameriques Faverite Dencer!”
….So ye thenk ye ken dence, dence, dence…”
I pity the judges: a week of this! I give thanks to the editing guys. The cutting floor spares us the cutting scenes as dozens of dancers doing the same and the same and the same do not make it round after round after round. The persistence of dancers does come through, though, and the tough reality of a dancer’s life is showcased. Hundreds of young people had a bit of a taste of what it is to be cast into a show. A dancer’s life is a life of passion, passion for the underlying desire in their heart. It is a life of sacrifice to satisfy that passion, with scant opportunities to relax poolside. Professional dancers often hold three and four jobs as they try to make a living and the rent, and have politicians and others dismiss them as dispensable commodities in our society’s well being. The cuts that Nigel and friends made are the kindest. It is when arts school programs, municipal, and federal budgets are cut that dance is cut out from us all. Power to all the ones who made it to Vegas! Power to all who auditioned for Season Five! You have made all of our lives better.
Sorry to be such a downer tonight. The crying game got me down tonight. Let’s see what the

Yes, I must say, it’s almost hard to believe that “somewhere in amengst thes crowd,” as Cat says in her best Catish accent, “is Ameriques Faverite Dencer!”
….So ye thenk ye ken dence, dence, dence…”
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