These audition shows can get long. At some point the outstanding dancers and the quirky ones get old. I try to get inspired to home in on the zeros and the ones, but with a few warmed up leftovers quickly swallowed my heartburn just gets worse and worse as I watch the missed steps of the show.
LA: The City of Angels
At the Orpheum, on the bou
levard of broken dreams, Adam Shankman was the guest judge and Joshua and Katee made a Cameo. Bianca Revels had no cued music, just tapping to her own beat—and went on to Vegas
, along with quite a few other tappers already! I guess they really want to have a tapper in the 20’s this time around!
Talking about broken dreams, we saw a couple of nightmares tonight. The Blanton siblings, one of them, were not an act I want to see ever again—a little too close for comfort, with clumsy moves all over first, second, and third base. The judges were too soft on them calling them “strange,” “childlike” and “naïve” as opposed to “terrible,” “poor” and “a bad taste joke.”
Some airtime fil
ler: “Fairy medicine” dance by Suzanne Fernandez; and Michael Han on Pointe – too girlish? Well, that’s too soft of a critique for what could better be defined as another nightmare! Pointe is so beautiful when performed properly and he made it look just ridiculous. He should be sued, or at least fined for that!
Calico Sequeira swings away but doesn’t show it enough. A partner to the Shankman, however, he makes it to Vegas (after reminding guest Judge Joshua who’s the boss).
Asuka Kondoh and Ricky Sun, if they don’t make it, this is not a dance performance show… and they do. Asuka in particular is compelling to watch. She will be one of the chosen.
Nathan Trasoras’ smooth moves (with a poor sense of fashion) make me think that he has top level potential. Even in slippery socks he slips by to Vegas for next season, as he is green in the ears—at 17, underage for the competition at this time!
Sammy Ramirez electrified popping, ticking, and waving, clicks the cropped red Mohawk (??... not a mohawk, actually... how would you call it??) to Nigel’s
astoundment. By the way, this season I’m really expanding my vocabulary: from hip hopping to breaking to popping, I have also learned about locking and ticking!
Stacy, a dancer that apparently trained with Elaine (from Seinfeld) makes an appearance and gets teary eyed when told she is not SYTYCD material (really!). Amanda Kerby, on the other hand (or feet), can do a pirouette but not much more. She will move on, but needs technique classes. Eye candy for Vegas, but not top 20 material.
Arielle Coker laughs and smiles with great moves and extensions. Makes a great choreography that—with a bit of polish—could have been in the top 20 show. Great partnering, great dancing! Loved her and her partner!
Kevin “Shakiro” Comier: Hips that lie and samba ways, he’s Shakira in a Bizarro world. He would be better off in a Rio float. Shakira’s bizarro version: everything opposite –bold (no gorgeous hair), unfit (no gorgeous body), uncoordinated (no awesome moves) and unattractive (just sad, really)…
At the Orpheum, on the bou

Talking about broken dreams, we saw a couple of nightmares tonight. The Blanton siblings, one of them, were not an act I want to see ever again—a little too close for comfort, with clumsy moves all over first, second, and third base. The judges were too soft on them calling them “strange,” “childlike” and “naïve” as opposed to “terrible,” “poor” and “a bad taste joke.”
Some airtime fil

Calico Sequeira swings away but doesn’t show it enough. A partner to the Shankman, however, he makes it to Vegas (after reminding guest Judge Joshua who’s the boss).
Asuka Kondoh and Ricky Sun, if they don’t make it, this is not a dance performance show… and they do. Asuka in particular is compelling to watch. She will be one of the chosen.
Nathan Trasoras’ smooth moves (with a poor sense of fashion) make me think that he has top level potential. Even in slippery socks he slips by to Vegas for next season, as he is green in the ears—at 17, underage for the competition at this time!
Sammy Ramirez electrified popping, ticking, and waving, clicks the cropped red Mohawk (??... not a mohawk, actually... how would you call it??) to Nigel’s

Stacy, a dancer that apparently trained with Elaine (from Seinfeld) makes an appearance and gets teary eyed when told she is not SYTYCD material (really!). Amanda Kerby, on the other hand (or feet), can do a pirouette but not much more. She will move on, but needs technique classes. Eye candy for Vegas, but not top 20 material.
Arielle Coker laughs and smiles with great moves and extensions. Makes a great choreography that—with a bit of polish—could have been in the top 20 show. Great partnering, great dancing! Loved her and her partner!

Shanelle says something key to understanding this show: “I got cut, but that’s ok because that does not define the dancer that I am” as she reminds us that these are cast auditions for a TV show looking for “America’s Favorite Dancer” –and that is a very flexible term with great extensions.
As Cat says, Seattle, the Emerald City, better show us some gems through the gloomy rain, where Mia Michaels does the bad thing all over again. First, Tango Christopher Keller does not rise to the occasion. Then, McNasty, the tattoo man, takes off his shirt and breakdances to choreography (we thought) with his strong moves… but, wait, no! no way… shut up!... what are you doing man?... his lack of ambition shocks us all. Why did he audition if he did not want to move on? Did he make a bet against himself? He danced kind of strong and then he shot himself in the foot, off the show!
Dmitrius B-Boy dances and the music plays—unfortunately not in synch. The comments bleeped away… his tall frame, says Nigel, is better suited for lifting ballerinas with one finger. Kelsea Taylor, creative but sloppy, she stops short. I kind of liked her, but… not really… really? She is as enigmatic and interesting as the curve of a question mark. Did she make it to Vegas? I get distracted sometimes…
K (Hawaii) “Pohno” does a chair choreography, has Mia’s hairdo, and there is empathy there. He goes to choreography despite the chair. Can he partner better? Apparently, as he is off to Vegas. He reminded me so much of Mark Kamemura, but he did not seem to me to be even half as good as Mark K. He seemed to me a poor man’s version of… Am I wrong? Maybe I didn’t see enough? Sorry…
“SEX” is back… I hate this show! I hate this show! I hate this show!
This is the stupid part of this show that I hate… Okay, so they had Sex against Leonid Knishov… and Yada, yada, yada… I refuse to even grant this B. S. with any more comments. Enough with Sex!
Wrapping up it seems that they announce only one show for Vegas! They flew through the audition shows (three in two weeks) and now only one Vegas show? I like the streamlining, cut to the chase attitude. We can’t wait for the REAL show to start
and cutting short the prelims whets the appetite for quickie bang dancing! Bring it on! Let’s get down and have the competition begin.
(So you think you can dance, dance, dance…)
As Cat says, Seattle, the Emerald City, better show us some gems through the gloomy rain, where Mia Michaels does the bad thing all over again. First, Tango Christopher Keller does not rise to the occasion. Then, McNasty, the tattoo man, takes off his shirt and breakdances to choreography (we thought) with his strong moves… but, wait, no! no way… shut up!... what are you doing man?... his lack of ambition shocks us all. Why did he audition if he did not want to move on? Did he make a bet against himself? He danced kind of strong and then he shot himself in the foot, off the show!
Dmitrius B-Boy dances and the music plays—unfortunately not in synch. The comments bleeped away… his tall frame, says Nigel, is better suited for lifting ballerinas with one finger. Kelsea Taylor, creative but sloppy, she stops short. I kind of liked her, but… not really… really? She is as enigmatic and interesting as the curve of a question mark. Did she make it to Vegas? I get distracted sometimes…
K (Hawaii) “Pohno” does a chair choreography, has Mia’s hairdo, and there is empathy there. He goes to choreography despite the chair. Can he partner better? Apparently, as he is off to Vegas. He reminded me so much of Mark Kamemura, but he did not seem to me to be even half as good as Mark K. He seemed to me a poor man’s version of… Am I wrong? Maybe I didn’t see enough? Sorry…
“SEX” is back… I hate this show! I hate this show! I hate this show!

This is the stupid part of this show that I hate… Okay, so they had Sex against Leonid Knishov… and Yada, yada, yada… I refuse to even grant this B. S. with any more comments. Enough with Sex!
Wrapping up it seems that they announce only one show for Vegas! They flew through the audition shows (three in two weeks) and now only one Vegas show? I like the streamlining, cut to the chase attitude. We can’t wait for the REAL show to start

(So you think you can dance, dance, dance…)